Futura Medical MED2002 – Gel Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction?


Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, affects over 20 million men in the United States alone. Characterized by an inability to sustain or achieve an erection, the symptoms and causes of ED are varied and complex.

Due to the personal nature of ED, many men find it difficult or confusing to find comprehensive information on what is a relatively common and normal medical complication.

There are many different conflicting sources of information on the treatment of ED, making finding the right solution for you a complicated and lengthy process.

The causes of erectile dysfunction vary from person to person, but the most common cause of erectile and sexual dysfunction in adult males is the natural process of andropause.

As the body grows older, the endocrine system, or the system in charge of regulating the distribution of hormones in the body, becomes less efficient at creating testosterone, the male hormone.

Testosterone is an androgenic hormone responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics such as muscle mass, hair thickness, bone density and most importantly, libido.

Over the male lifetime, the free testosterone levels of the blood of an individual gradually drop, at a rate of 1%-2% per year between the ages of 22 and 44.

Low testosterone levels lead to a wide variety of health complications such as increased body fat, decreased muscle tone, mood swings and irritability, memory and cognitive slowness, depression, and lower cardiovascular function.

The effect of low cardiovascular function on the body has a strong correlation to erectile dysfunction, as poor cardiovascular health causes restricted and contracted blood vessels such as veins and arteries.

This constriction of the blood vessels causes less oxygen and adenosine triphosphate, the energy currently of the body, to be delivered to muscles and tissues that are in use.

This effect, known as vascular constriction, ultimately causes erectile dysfunction, as the penis is supplied with less blood than it needs to sustain a normal erection.

This process, however, is completely reversible and treatable with agents that work to increase the dilation of blood vessels, providing more blood, nutrients and essential ATP to the penile tissue.

One of the most effective treatments available on the market today is produced by Futura Medical, a leading pharmaceutical group that work with cutting edge transdermal delivery solutions to solve the common issue of erectile dysfunction.

MED2002 is a breakthrough erectile dysfunction treatment that doesn’t rely on potentially dangerous oral pharmaceutical solutions to deliver fast acting and effective relief from the symptoms of ED, addressing the issue at its root cause, vascular constriction.

In this article we’ll provide a detailed explanation of how the Futura Medical MED2002 solution functions and provide a breakdown of its potential applications to help you decide whether this is the right erectile dysfunction treatment for you.

Choosing the Right Treatment for ED

Selecting the right solution to treat erectile dysfunction is a complicated process full of many choices.

To ensure you select a solution that is safe and effective, however, there are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure you’re making the best decision for your long term health.

The most popular and most high risk option advertised for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are pharmaceutical agents taken orally, such as viagra and cialis.

These solutions, however, carry the risk of serious side effects such as high blood pressure, which can lead to serious medical conditions like heart disease or stroke. Oral solution also can’t be taken while drinking alcohol, which causes complications for many men.

Herbal solutions that are designed to increase the levels of free testosterone in the body to help withdrawal vary in effectiveness and are often not based in clinical science, often full of fillers and inert substances to pad them out.

These herbal solutions, while free from dangerous side effects, often deliver no results outside of purely psychosomatic placebo properties and don’t address the root cause of ED.

Surgical options are even more high risk than oral pharmaceuticals, requiring invasive operations that carry a risk of scarring and take up months of calendar time in painful recovery and recuperation.

The best way to determine whether the solution you’ve selected is safe and effective is to look for a product that has been demonstrated in scientific clinical trials and is endorsed by urologists, made by a reputable and high profile pharmaceutical company.

How Does the Futura Medical MED2002 Solution Work?

The Futura Medical MED2002 solution provides an effective alternative to dangerous surgical operations or oral medication.

Consisting of a topical lotion that is applied to the glans of the penis, MED2002 is non irritant, non invasive, discreet, and easy to apply.

Using a proprietary pharmaceutical delivery process called DermaSys, the active ingredient in MED2002 gently passes through the skin of the penis and enters the bloodstream.

The active ingredient in MED2002 is GTN, a harmless chemical compound that converts to nitric oxide once it enters the body.

Nitric oxide is a natural element in the human body that functions as powerful organic blood vessel relaxant.

This nitric oxide enters the corpus cavernosum, the largest body of tissue in the penis, and relaxes the blood vessels therein, allowing more nutrients, oxygen and ATP to enter the penis, causing a harder, stronger and longer sustained erection.

The Futura Medical MED2002 solution has been conclusively demonstrated in a peer reviewed scientific clinical trial to effectively and quickly deliver instant relief from the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

A study of 232 randomised males of a broad spectrum of ages were dosed with GTN via a topical solution through a placebo controlled, double blind trial.

The results of this trial demonstrated the incredible effectiveness of this safe ED solution, with 82% of trial participants given GTN solution having an onset of erectile action within just 10 minutes.

Futura Medical MED2002 Review Summary

If you’re looking for a non invasive, fast acting and safe erectile dysfunction treatment with no side effects that requires no oral treatments, the Futura Medical MED2002 topical treatment is a discreet and scientifically sound solution that provides instant relief from the symptoms of ED.

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