EcoTools Review – Are Eco Conscious Make Up Applicators Needed?


While you may use organic bath and hair products on a normal basis, you may not have considered switching to eco-friendly tools to use with them yet. These exemplary formulas deserve to be applied with the right tools, and there is no better way to apply them than with tools that are also environmentally safe as well. That’s where EcoTools comes in.

What Is EcoTools?

EcoTools helps to create “socially responsible” tools for applying makeup and shower products. The company understands the general consumer’s need to use products that are safe in the environment, but also places heavy importance on using the right brushes and applicators to do that.

It all started when….

The company originally began in 2008, and has continued to expand their inventory through the years. Their designs feature soft bristles on cosmetics brushes, reducing the possibility of irritation from a stiff brush.

EcoTools doesn’t stop with the manufacturing of high-quality products. Their website also features a blog that is rich with tips for applying your makeup, nourishing your body with the right products, and more. There are constantly new articles being published on the website, which helps you to stay on top of your game every single day.

EcoTools Product Lines

EcoTools has a variety of different tools to allow you to enjoy the benefit of environmentally-safe makeup application. Orders for these products can be submitted right on the website, but you will be responsible for paying the cost of shipping.

The EcoTools products have many different categories to choose from, ensuring that you can use eco-conscious materials throughout your daily hygiene and cosmetics routine. Here’s a little more about each of the product categories to understand the wide variety you can choose from.

Bath & Spa

There is no better way to start your morning than with products you know make no impact on the environment. Even if you already have your favorite organic body wash or enzyme-filled hair care products, the products in this category help to maximize your cleanliness.

The bath tools from EcoTools help you exfoliate your skin with the use of brushes and loofahs. These items feature a special type of organic cotton, along with sustainable bamboo and other recycled materials for a flawless finish.

Here are a few of the options available to use to start off your day right:

  • Dry Body Brush, $4.99
  • Three-Piece Soothe and Relax Set, $9.99
  • Deep Cleansing Pure Complexion Facial Sponge, $5.99


Even though you may have just cleaned your body with the EcoTools bath supplies, you can still use these types of tools during your daily makeup application. Your brushes at home need to be replaced every so often anyway, so you should be able to replace them with eco-friendly and strong brushes.

All of the makeup brushes available allow you to apply your makeup in a seamless and beautiful way with the soft bristles and bamboo handles. The design and smooth finish help to make the brushes easy to use on a regular basis without irritation.

Even though these tools are safe for regular use, you still need to make sure you maintain the quality of the brushes with proper cleaning. Your brush or brushes should be thoroughly cleaned every single week, and instructions for proper cleaning can be found right on the EcoTools website. While not in use, keep the brush in a dry place to avoid ruining the bristles. A bag or a drawer doesn’t give them the air and exposure they need to avoid makeup or oil buildup.

Here are a few of the common tools found on this website:

  • Stippling Brush, $7.99
  • Lovely Looks Set, $14.99
  • Complexion Collection with Mattifying Finish Brush, $8.99


You may think that your necessary tools stop with the makeup application and your shower, but your hair can benefit from these tools as well. The brushes available for your hair are only meant to be used after your shower, since they help to dry your hair up to 40% faster than drying with the leading brush style.

All of the brushes on this website feature the Eco-Vent technology and design, which allows more heat to go through your hair while you style and blow dry it. By shaving time off your regular morning routine, you can spend more time working on other ways to prepare for the day.

There are six different styles of brushes you can choose from, but the most popular styles from the website are:

  • Ultimate Air Dryer Hair Brush, $10.99
  • Smoothing Detangler Hair Brush, $10.99
  • Styler + Smoother Hair Brush, $10.99

Contacting EcoTools

First of all, before you try to contact the company, you should check out the Frequently Asked Questions page. You may already have an answer to your question in that area of the website.

However, if you cannot find the answer, the Contact Us page has a form that you can fill out with your inquiry. You will have to put down your contact information, and you will receive a response as soon as EcoTools can get to it.


EcoTools is unique in their approach to maintaining the integrity of their accessories during the application process. The brushes for your body, makeup, and hair all feature gentle designs that get the job done, but without ruining your skin texture.

No matter whether you are a vegan who is nature-conscious, or a business woman who wants to look her best, the EcoTools products are the best choice you can make for yourself and the environment.

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