Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey


Even though yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries in some parts of the world, its popularity has grown exponentially in the Western world over the past few decades.

Coming in many different forms, yoga has been used to align and strengthen the body and mind. The problem is that the process is often done with yoga professionals and not medical professionals, leaving a gap in the understanding of how the body truly works.

Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey is a program that uses extensive medical knowledge of the body to utilize the benefits of yoga. As a result, New Beginning Yoga is able to calm and align the body in a way that other yoga programs cannot.

What is Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey?

Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey is a yoga program built around Hatha toga, which takes a gentler approach to yoga positions. With New Beginning Yoga, users will notice improvements in both their mental and physical wellbeing. The program helps increase flexibility and strength, but also decreases feelings of stress, allowing users to experience a new side of life. Over time, New Beginning Yoga can completely transform the lives of its users.

As mentioned above, New Beginning Yoga utilizes Hatha yoga, which is gentler than many other forms of yoga. The meaning of Hatha yoga is seen in the meaning of its name, which is made from two words. ‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon, symbolizing the balance this yoga form attempts to bring its users. The foundation of Hatha yoga is bringing union and balance to the mind, body, and spirit through postures that support flexibility, strength, and calm.

For those who are ready to transform their bodies while also improving their minds and outlooks on life, New Beginning Yoga is the perfect solution.

Benefits of New Beginning Yoga

Many people who haven’t tried yoga before often balk at the idea of learning how to do the positions. This is one of the big benefits of New Beginning Yoga. Because New Beginning Yoga uses Hatha yoga, it is much simpler to learn. The entire process is slower and uses gentler positions, or asanas, to guide users through the program. As a result, even those who have never done yoga before will be able to follow along and reap the many benefits of the system.

Even though New Beginning Yoga is easy to follow, as well as being much gentler than some of the more extreme yoga practices, it is still transformative. The goal of New Beginning Yoga is to change the body, helping users build strength while they become more in-tune with their bodies. Despite being simple enough to follow, New Beginning Yoga uses its gradual motions to energize and strengthen the body, slowly increasing users’ range of motion.

Finally, Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey fits into any lifestyle. For those who are using the program solely to strengthen their bodies, the stretches, twists, and bends will give them the results they want in minimal time. And those who need the calming effect that yoga has on the body can use New Beginning Yoga every morning and experience its relaxing, centering influence all day.

With all the bonuses that come with the program, explained in more detail below, everyone will find what they need with the program.

Included with New Beginning Yoga

As mentioned briefly above, New Beginning Yoga comes with many additions and bonuses, making it perfect for those with varying goals when it comes to Hatha yoga and meditation. When combined, these materials make the transformation of mind and body easier than ever before.

Below is a list of the materials included in Dr. Sthenics Home Fitness Workout package, as well as a brief description of each.

  • Dr. Sthenics Hatha Yoga for Beginners – A video that walks users through the various Hatha poses. The system is optimized and can be used on most mobile devices.
  • Dr. Sthenics Beginners Guide to Yoga – An eBook that offers a comprehensive look at yoga and its benefits for the health and wellness of users.
  • Yoga and Meditation EBooks – Two additional eBooks that go into further detail about the benefits of yoga and meditation.
  • Audio Meditations – Four downloadable mp3’s that sooth and relax the body and mind, allowing for better meditation.

With all these videos and additional materials, users will definitely get what they need from their New Beginning Yoga.

Purchasing Dr. Sthenics New Beginning Yoga and Meditation Journey

All the materials listed above, as well as instant access, are available on Dr. Sthenics website for only $60. The purchase comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, allowing users to try the program completely risk-free.

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