Dario Glucose Meter – Smart Diabetes Blood Management System?


Diabetes was once a health concern in which it was passed on through genetics, but today, even young children get in and its mainly due to food intake and lifestyle choices. Blood sugar, or glucose, measures the sugar that the bloodstream delivers to cells to ensure that the body has a supple source of energy.

When consumers get a blood sugar test done, the end result either reflects that one has or does not have diabetes. Unfortunately, taking part in diabetes management has become a tough task, as most diabetes kits are either too large or heavy to carry. This is where Dario may come into play.

Dario Glucose Meter is an alternative to heavy diabetes kits, as it helps not only to manage one’s diabetes, but it also claims to provide information in the most convenient way possible.

The following review will look closely at the Dario Glucose Meter with respect to its purpose, its features, the importance of diabetes, and much more.

What Is Dario Glucose Meter?

Dario Glucose Meter is designed to work as a multipurpose blood glucose monitoring system. Its aim is to eliminate the bulkiness associated with blood glucose monitors, while providing a cut and clear progression on how one’s blood glucose levels have been on a regular basis.

Its ability to lay out the facts can prepare consumers to take the required actions to bring blood glucose levels back to normal.

What Makes Dario Glucose Meter Dominant Compared To Traditional Diabetes Kits?

It is claimed that Dario Glucose Meter contains five essential tools that may promote easy measuring, tracking and understanding of the blood glucose’s reading.

First, it has been designed to fit easily into one’s pocket, as it is slightly larger than a standard usb key. This can help consumers who are constantly on the go to measure their blood glucose levels as pleased.

Second, Dario works in union with an app. It can be useful as it automatically keeps a record of one’s diabetes history, which can include time-line, charts and logbook. This is an ideal feature, as it allows consumers to consider lifestyle choices or other habits that might be contributing towards increased levels of diabetes.

Next, it is just as easy to share the information, as it is to access it. Sharing real-time information instantly can save time when explaining one’s health matters to a physician.

While the first three features are purely embedded to analyze, gather and share information, the fourth feature is significant in promoting optimal safety. When Dario reads an abnormal or unusually high or low blood sugar reading, it has the ability to text a consumer’s friends and relatives (up to 4 people) the location of the consumer and one’s blood glucose levels.

It does so by using a smartphone’s GPS coordinates. As an additional tool, Dario also contains a carb counting tool, which helps consumers keep track of one’s carbohydrates intake per day.

Based on Dario’s features, it is clear that it can be far more dominant than a traditional diabetes kit. The main difference is that Dario provides consumers with a better idea as to what the number might mean, whereas a traditional diabetes kit serves no more than providing a number per day.

In addition, Dario contains a wide range of features that can potentially induce one to take action, change their habits and ensure that one’s safety is not compromised by alerting those close to consumers.

Most importantly, the data measured are stored to help consumers compare and contrast, whereas the use of a traditional diabetes kits require consumers to keep note of each reading by hand.

Why Is Keeping Track Of Diabetes Important?

As previously mentioned, diabetes is a measure of the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. When an excess amount of sugar is present, it is believed to increase the chances of experiencing unwanted health concerns in the long run.

Consumers can be faced with normal, hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar). Some of the symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia are increased anxiety, shaking, rapid heartbeats and dizziness, whereas with hyperglycaemia, consumers might experience increased thirst, headaches, blurred vision, tiredness and weight loss to name the least.

The two extreme cases are low and high blood glucose levels, which can also contribute towards the different types and levels of diabetes currently existing. For instance, Type 1 Diabetes is said to stimulate the immune system to destroy cells that are responsible for releasing insulin, a type of hormone needed to convert carbohydrates into sugar. Other types of diabetes include Type 2 and gestational diabetes.

Ultimately, keeping track of diabetes is important because it allows consumers to reassess their choices. Questions like: what went wrong, what choices led to such results and how to regulate or normalize blood glucose levels can be easily answered and worked upon.

Does Dario Glucose Meter Include?

Every Dario Starter Pack claims to include:

  • An all-in-one Blood Glucose Meter
  • 50 test strips
  • 10 sterile lancets
  • 10 disposable covers
  • MyDario mobile app

How Much Does Dario Glucose Meter Cost?

The entire set was originally priced at approximately $89.99, but it is currently offered for approximately $39.99. The price is fairly set given that it can measure, analyze and compare results on a daily basis. Furthermore, its ability to share real-time information makes it far more useful and efficient as opposed to taking notes.

Lastly, the embedded safety measures can potentially save one from the potential risks associated with low or high blood glucose levels.

Since Dario comes with a limited amount of test strips, sterile lancets and disposable covers, consumers might have to replace them at an additional cost when needed.

Dario Glucose Meter Review Summary

Overall, Dario Glucose Meter is a useful device that permits consumers to put informative data to every number measured. In addition, it can help consumers better assess the choices they make with respect to food, physical activities and other habits that might potentially put one at risk.

Most importantly, Dario can play a significant role in bringing awareness on the different factors that can potentially reduce one’s health.

For more information, go to: http://intro.mydario.com/DarioGlucoseMeter/intro1.php.

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