CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive – Knee Muscle Activation Therapy?


The FDA approval process for drug and medical devices is extensive. Oftentimes, years of research and clinical trials are necessary before a product can receive clearance, but when it does, you at least can feel confident that it may be the right solution for your health needs because it actually works.

Recently, the FDA approved a new medical device on the market that is designed to resolve issues that many have regarding their pre- and post-operative knee surgery rehabilitation.

That being said, this review would like to introduce you to CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive device. Here is everything you need to know about this product, which has just received FDA clearance.

What is CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive?

CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive is a new medical device that will soon be released on the market. The device functions as a app-controlled and data-driven muscle activation therapy system. It works to empower you during your pre- and post-operative rehabilitation process so that you can strengthen your muscles so that you can regain your ability to walk after serious surgery.

The technology functions as a completely wireless system and its appearance likens a traditional knee-guard device, just much sturdier and made out of better materials to support the healing process. Those who add CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive to their lifestyle after knee surgery are able to recoup much more quickly and regain their ability to function.

About CyMedica Orthopedics

Before choosing a device, it is important to understand the brand behind the product. In this case, CyMedica Orthopedics is responsible for developing the E-Vive. The brand is considered to be a leader at stay-at-home care and it works to deliver solid and effective solutions for the rehabilitation process.

Those who use the brand’s products experience faster recovery times, a reduction in their risk of remission, and better outcomes that are predictable and that come at reasonable costs. With these types of standards, you can confidently add the E-Vive device to your routine and expect a better recovery process.

Benefits of Using CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive

E-Vive by CyMedica Orthopedics offers an array of benefits for patients who have just been released from serious knee surgery. Here are the main advantages of the product that you can expect to experience when you include it into your routine:

  • Maintains Muscle Strength After Surgery

    Current research shows that surgery can lead to a reduction in about 60% of the muscle strength around the leg. Worse yet, the muscle atrophy can cost up to $4,200 per episode. Fortunately, when you add this product to your routine, you can combat against muscle atrophy. The device functions to keep your muscles working in optimal condition so that you can maintain strength levels, which are extremely important after surgery.

  • The E-Vive App

    The product also comes with a useful E-Vive App, which helps you manage your condition so that you heal quickly. The application is designed for men and women of all ages due to the intuitive interface. With such an easy to use interface, you’ll be able to use the product without having to second guess. The app also functions on virtually every smartphone.

  • Cloud Based Portal

    The application is connected to a cloud based portal that features key data about how the condition of your leg and other medical data. Providers are able to track your progress and your own reported measures so that outcomes and healing time can be determined more easily. The entire process reduces the overall cost of rehab and it makes it easier for you to heal within a reasonable amount of time.

  • Key Data Points

    Finally, when you use the device, you’ll be able to track key points of data that are directly related to your condition. A few of the main data points include range of motion, activity levels, pain scores, and so much more. With this information, you and your provider will be able to determine better health outcomes for your knee and leg so that you can regain your strength and lead a better quality of life.

As you can tell, there are many benefits to adding the E-Vive by CyMedica Orthopedics to your routine. The device improves the standard of care for knee surgery patients and it makes it easier to recoup so that you can meet your health needs.

E-Vive Technology

Another quality to note about this device is the technology. The E-Vive features patented technology that works to effectively adjust the power used so that you attain maximum effectiveness, while still enjoying from a good level of comfort. Further, with the application, you’ll find the device very easy to use, regardless of your type of smartphone.

It is also important to note that one of the main challenges that CyMedica Orthopedics is experiencing with this product is that it requires partnership with medical providers. For the device to be effective on the market and for you to reap the benefits, your healthcare provider needs to be willing to use the device to track your progress with the device after surgery. Therefore, it is best to discuss the matter with your healthcare provider before purchasing the product.

Once your provider agrees to use the device for your recovery purposes, you’ll be able to use it and get the tracking qualities necessary for results.

Where to Buy CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive

If you’re interested in the E-Vive by CyMedica Orthopedics, then it should be released on the market soon. Also, as mentioned above, you need to discuss the product with your medical provider before using it. Once you attain approval, you’ll be able to incorporate it into your recovery routine so that you can experience the results that you are aiming for.

CyMedica Orthopedics E-Vive Summary

Overall, if you are looking for a high-quality and effective product that works well to provide you support post-surgery, then the E-Vive by CyMedica may be the right formula for your needs. To learn more about the device, continue checking back at the brand’s website and contact them regarding the expected release date.

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