Choffy – Brewed Chocolate Cocoa Beans As Alternative Coffee?


In the modern world, energy seems to be one of the most valuable assets available. People are constantly tired, exhausted with their busy, overwhelming lives.

So, they look for something to give them energy. Most of the time, especially in the Western world, the preferred method for an energy boost is a cup of coffee. However, over time, one cup doesn’t do the trick, causing users to keep increasing the amount they need to maintain their energy levels.

The problem with coffee is that it is addictive and the body very quickly adjusts to its energy boosting capabilities.

Unfortunately, this makes coffee an ineffective method for getting a boost in the morning. One of the healthiest alternatives available for coffee is Choffy, a cacao based drink that provides the same benefits of coffee, but without the side effects.

What is Choffy?

Choffy is a drink made from premium cacao beans, most commonly known for being the source for chocolate.

While chocolate in the most commonly accepted form is not good for people, in its natural form cacao is actually a superfood, providing the body with a wide range of benefits.

Choffy harnesses these benefits by roasting cacao beans and grinding them into a something similar to coffee grounds.

However, the drink that Choffy creates offers users steady, long-lasting energy without sugar, dairy, or chemicals, and actually supports the wellness of the body.

As mentioned above, coffee is known for being addictive, even though the energy it provides isn’t always of the highest quality.

Choffy, on the other hand, provides users with a steady stream of energy throughout the day without the nasty side effects that are so often associated with the caffeine in coffee.

Choffy doesn’t cause jitters or crashes and isn’t addictive, meaning that users aren’t drinking it because they have to, but because they want to.

One of the biggest differences between coffee and Choffy is the taste. Coffee, unless brewed perfectly, has a bitter taste, which Choffy just doesn’t have.

When brewed correctly, Choffy tastes like a rich hot chocolate, strong and intense. However, with a little additions, Choffy can taste sweeter and smoother, making it the perfect, versatile morning drink.

Benefits of Choffy

The biggest benefit of Choffy is found in its ingredient, cacao. As mentioned above, cacao is actually a superfood that offers a wide range of benefits, specifically a huge boost in antioxidants.

These antioxidants work to undo the damage caused in the body by free radicals, protecting the cells at their most basic level. So not only is Choffy a great pick-me-up, it’s also good for the body.

Going hand in hand with the antioxidants found in Choffy is the stimulant theobromine. While coffee uses caffeine to give users the boost they need, Choffy contains theobromine, a healthier stimulant.

This stimulant dilates the cardiovascular system, supporting the heart. This allows the body to deliver more oxygen, or energy, throughout the body, without the crash caused by caffeine.

Choffy wouldn’t be as popular as it is today if it didn’t use the highest quality cacao beans on the market.

Just like many coffee companies now days, Choffy has an artisan quality. The beans are picked for their quality and taste.

These beans are then roasted in small batches, allowing Choffy to maintain its superior flavor from bean to brew. By paying such close attention to the quality of this drink, Choffy is able to offer users an energy drink alternative that doesn’t compromise their taste buds.

Finally, when people switch from coffee to Choffy, they don’t have to change their lifestyles all that much.

Even though Choffy is made from cacao beans, its brewing process is very similar to that of coffee, meaning users can use their favorite coffee devices to make Choffy. Whether it’s a drip machine or French press, Choffy is easy to make, but better to drink.

Choffy Review Summary

Because Choffy has become so popular recently, there are many amazing product options for those who want to try the delicious chocolate drink.

There are different bean options and shade options, with Choffy offering choices from across the world.

For those who want to completely embrace the Choffy lifestyle, there are also tools and accessories available, making switching from coffee to Choffy easier than ever.

The categories available on the Choffy website include:

  • Choffy Beans
  • Variety Sets
  • Bundles
  • French Presses
  • Accessories
  • Starter Kits

For those who aren’t sure if they want to make the switch to Choffy, the website also offers sample options to those who want to try it before making larger purchases.

With these samples, those new to Choffy will get to experience the drink without any further obligations.

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