Carbon Fire 213 Complex For Her – Women’s Fat Burning System?


Losing weight is extremely hard. And the entire process is made more difficult because many of the products on the market that are designed to help people reach their goals actually focus on weight loss instead of fat loss. Because weight loss can mean losing water weight and muscle, it is not an effective solution to long-term weight loss. The key is finding a program that promotes fat loss.

The 213 Complex Fat Burning System is a three product program that helps women reach their weight loss and fitness goals. Designed specifically for the female body, these products are just what women need to transform their bodies and their lives.

What is the Carbon Fire 213 Complex For Her?

Called one of the most powerful fat burning systems on the market, the 213 Complex is a program that provides women with the support they need for their weight loss journey.

While diet and exercise will always be the most effective methods for healthy fat loss, when the 213 Complex is added to these routines, it can maximize the results. For those who want long-term, effective weight loss, using the 213 Complex is the perfect solution.

The 213 Complex is made up of three different products, each one focused on a different aspect of what the female body needs to lose weight and keep it off. While each product offers its own benefits, when these products are combined, they are able to put the weight loss process into overdrive, offering better results in less time.

Because losing weight is so difficult, the 213 Complex was designed to make it a little easier, which is why so many women are turning to the program to get the help they need.

The 213 Complex Fat Burning System Products

Even though effective weight loss requires a lifestyle change which includes diet and exercise, the 213 Complex was designed to make this process easier. With each product in the complex providing a unique support for what the female body needs to lose weight, when combined with diet and exercise, the 213 Complex can help users transform their bodies. A list of the products found in the 213 Complex, as well as a description of each, can be found below.


The foundation of the 213 Complex, 213 is a fat metabolizer that increases how many calories users burn on a daily basis. By heating up the body slightly, called a thermogenic process, 213 is able to boost the metabolism, so the body is burning calories even when at rest.

And because 213 actually contains ingredients that suppress the appetite, users will start losing weight faster than ever. The supplement also provides a clean source of energy throughout the day, allowing users to focus better and power through their goals.


The thyroid is the foundation for hormone production in the body. Unfortunately, the thyroid is very sensitive and can easily stop working correctly. Women are particularly susceptible to this problem, often not knowing they’re experiencing a thyroid problem.

ThyroFire provides the thyroid with exactly the nutrients it needs to thrive, aiding in boosting the metabolism. ThyroFire also uses its powerful ingredients to burn away stored body fat, turning into energy to give users a push throughout the day.


When people think about weight loss, they often overlook how important sleep is to the process. However, because the 213 Complex supports all aspects of weight loss, the final product it offers is Burnout.

This powerful supplement reduces cortisol levels in the body at night, so users get better sleep. With Burnout, women will experience a calm before they sleep, allowing them to fall asleep easier and deeper. Plus, with Burnout, users will experience weight loss throughout the night, so they are constantly losing weight.

Purchasing the 213 Complex

All the 213 Complex products can be purchased on the company website (, where more information and the multiple purchasing options can be found. Because every woman will have a different need when it comes to losing weight, the products in the 213 Complex are available in multiple packages. These packages, and their prices, can be found below.

  • 213 – $79.99
  • 213 and Burnout – $99.99
  • 213 and ThyroFire – $99.99
  • The 213 Complex (213, Burnout, and ThyroFire) – $149.99

The website above also provides detailed information on the ingredients used in each of the products above.

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