Burton Nutrition 15 Day Ultimate Cleanse – Natural Herbal Detox?


Thinking about a cleanse, but worried about the bathroom horror stories you’ve heard from others? Cleanses can be harsh, and depending on your body's reaction, it can really interrupt your day.

Starting a new diet, or just feeling bloated and “blah” can lead you to want to give your digestive tract a fresh start. The practice of detoxifying your body to rid it of toxins has been something people have been doing for centuries. The 15 Day Cleanse by Burton Nutrition is an all-natural formula, specially designed to jumpstart your new routine, or to simply allow you to feel lighter. No fasting, no juicing, With no harsh chemicals or laxatives.

The 15 Day Cleanse by Burton Nutrition

Undigested, stagnant waste can block your body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can be a real need particularly when your diet lacks fiber or if you consume processed foods.

If you are already dieting and have hit a plateau, a cleanse could be just what you need to get your metabolism back on track.

In addition, this all natural formula can help reduce belly bloating, reduce the buildup of waste, all while supporting your colon and digestive system. While cleansing your digestive system, your liver's natural detoxification system is given a break, making you feel lighter and more energized.

Traditionally, cleansing is synonymous with fasting, but this doesn’t have to be the case for you. Fasting can leave you tired and irritable, which defeats the purpose of wanting to have more energy, while feeling lighter. These detoxifying capsules will promote natural and healthy weight loss, while being designed to increase your metabolism and cleanse toxins and waste. This naturally leads to better absorption of nutrients.

All Natural

The 15 Day Ultimate Cleanse will help you to naturally detox your digestive system with all natural ingredients. The cleanse promises to flush out toxins and optimize intestinal health without the use of chemicals. These easy to swallow capsules are effective and safe, allowing you to have peace of mind while improving your health.

15 Day Ultimate Cleanse uses the following all natural ingredients to give you the results you want and need:

  • Senna Leaf
  • Cascara Sagrada Bark
  • Psyllium Husk Powder
  • Flaxseed Powder
  • Aloe Vera Gel powder
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Licorice Root
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides oil

Directions For Use

Take 1-2 capsules each night at bedtime with 8 ounces of water for up to 15 days. Do not repeat the cleansing process for another 6-8 weeks.

While it is not suggested to use this product beyond the 15-day period, it can be used occasionally for intestinal cleansing, please consult with your physician for additional uses.

15 Day Ultimate Cleanse Review Summary

If you are ready to make a change to improve the functioning of your digestive system with an all-natural solution, the 15 Day Ultimate Cleanse is waiting for you.

You are one step closer to strengthening your immune system, boosting your energy, reducing cravings, eliminating bloating, improving your digestion, and losing weight. This all natural solution will give you results, without making you feel sick, or giving you unnecessary side effects. There are no surprises with the 15 Day Ultimate Cleanse, you simply take the capsules at bedtime, and can expect the effects by morning. No horror stories, no embarrassing runs to the washroom during inconvenient times of the day.

What’s even better, is that you can have these results without fasting or going hungry. Now is always the best time to start.

15 Day Ultimate Cleanse can be ordered online through Amazon for $16.99 for a 15-day supply.

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