Brazil Butt Lift – Workout Program To Sculpt Tummy, Butt, & More?


The Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program is a regimen that combines both healthier eating and targeted workouts to boost the muscle tone in your buttocks. The program is affordable and promises to change your bottom within 60 days.

What is the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program?

When you decide to take control of your weight loss, it’s easy to stay excited about any new regimen while you see the results you want. However, once you start getting into the right groove with your methods, you may want to start focusing on toning certain parts of your body. Your arms and legs are often the easiest to build, but women want to maintain an attractive figure that involves a toned butt as well.

If you want to know the keys to building that bottom, the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program is the best choice.

The Brazil Butt Lift regimen is designed to target the muscles of your buttocks to lift, firm, and shape it into the backside you see on your favorite celebrities and figures.

Most of the time, you see the machines at the gym that help to target your butt muscles, which are incredibly helpful. However, if you don’t have time to visit the gym during business hours, you need a way to get that workout in.

There are so many ways that consumers try to get the butt that they want, going to extremes like butt implants or liposuction.

Unfortunately, as effective as these methods are, they are incredibly expensive. Plus, you can’t even show off the new shape of your butt until your incisions have completely healed. If you want to show off the progress, then the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program is the safest and healthiest way to do it.

How the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program Works

The reason that the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program is so effective is because of the way it approaches your muscles. While most workouts have a singular butt workout, this workout understands that your caboose is made up of three different muscles – gluteus medius, maximus, and minimus.

The whole point of the workout is to target these muscles in as many ways as possible to build up a round booty.

In addition to providing you with a simple guide to show off the different exercises, the program also helps to enhance your exercises with the Bootylicious meal plan. This eating plan helps to support your body’s efforts to build lean muscle, and it features Brazilian-inspired recipes and snacks.

If you’re tired of the same bland diet that goes with other weight-loss remedies, then this system is the perfect change for you.

Applying the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program

The program is designed to last for two months, with a very detailed regimen to describe what you need to do each day. There’s not too much wiggle room, so you must keep up with the workouts and the eating plan in the guide. You can continue to use these methods after the two-month period is over as well to continue to strengthen those muscles.

According to the claims on the website, following this regimen strictly will get you the derriere you want within about 60 days. These results may vary, since everyone is starting with a different amount of weight. However, you should still notice major changes to the shape and appearance of your buttocks.

Pricing for the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program

To make this program a part of your regular routine, you are responsible for two payments of $19.95. The first charge will occur with your original purchase, and then you will receive a second charge on your statement 30 days later. You also have the option of paying in full at checkout, which is $39.90.

If you don’t get the results that the creators of this program promise, then you are given a full refund. However, you must request the refund within 60 days of your purchase.

What You Get

When you make your purchase, you actually get a lot of merchandise for the low price. You will receive:

  • Six different workout DVDs
    • Basics, to get you started (20 minutes)
    • Bum Bum, with lower body moves to eliminate fat while building up muscle (35 minutes)
    • High & Tight, which helps to reduce sagging (35 minutes)
    • Sculpt, which focuses on toning your muscles all over your body (50 minutes)
    • Cardio Axe, which is a dance workout (30 minutes)
    • Tummy Tuck, which helps you achieve a flat stomach with your newly shaped buttocks (20 minutes)
  • The Bootylicious meal plan
  • The Booty Makeover Guide, to determine the type of butt you have and the best ways to shape it
  • Booty Makeover Calendar, to keep yourself on a workout schedule
  • TriAngle Training workout cards, which helps you work out when you don’t have access to the DVDs
  • Measurement Tracker Card and Tape Measure, to show your progress

With all of these tools, all that’s missing is your hard work to achieve a toned yet voluptuous butt. However, you also get a few exclusive bonuses with your purchase, enticing you to make the purchase as soon as you can.

These bonuses include an additional workout plan, along with a strength band and support from the company, if you need to speak with someone.

Contacting the Creators of the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program

If there are still questions on your mind about this workout program, you are welcome to speak with the customer service team for Beachbody, who is responsible for creating it. There are many answers to commonly asked questions on the website, but you may have an inquiry that is specific to your situation.

If that is the case, you can fill out the online contact form, or you can speak with a Live Chat representative on any day of the week.

Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program Review Summary

Everyone wants to have the sexy curves that many of their favorite singers and actresses have, but very few consumers have the personal trainer and chef to help. By following the regimen described in the Brazil Butt Lift guide, you can enhance your derriere, while filling out your jeans a little better.

If you are concerned that any of the exercises may be too much exertion, speak with your physician for advice.

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