BLIS K12 – Is This A Whole New Kind Of Probiotic?


Many consumers are familiar with the use of a probiotic to help with their digestive health. Probiotics are used to help introduce healthy bacteria to the digestive system, which works to eliminate the bad bacteria that builds up from preservatives and artificial ingredients in food. You may think that probiotics are a supplement that only can help improve your digestive system. If that is the case, you are definitely mistaken. That is where BLIS K12 comes in.

What is BLIS K12?

BLIS K12 is incredibly unique, since the whole point of taking this supplement is actually not directly for your digestive system and it’s functioning. Instead, this probiotic formula is dedicated to helping support the health of your ears, nose, and throat, along with giving your immune system a boost. This unique perspective makes BLIS K12 the first probiotic to focus on oral health, which is a trend that other health supplement companies should notice.

The bacteria strain used in this formula was originally found and isolated by Professor John Tagg in New Zealand. Due to his challenges in his childhood, Professor Tagg’s lifelong dream was to find natural solutions to afflictions that affected the ears, nose, and throat. As a microbiologist in adulthood, he equipped himself with the training and knowledge he needed to attempt to find a suitable probiotic formula.

As he searched, Professor Tagg followed children in New Zealand for years, taking saliva samples to help determine what differences there were between the children. However, they soon came to a discovery as they studied the health of one particular child over a six-year period – this child has incredible throat health, and happened to have a unique strain of Streptococcus salivarius.

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Why Streptococcus salivarius?

Streptococcus salivarius is one of the first few probiotics that are introduced into our bodies, and it is present in infancy. Some scientists and researchers believe that you originally get it through your mother’s kiss, but that theory is just speculation.

BLIS K12 is a highly beneficial strain of the probiotic, and has a known effect on the improvement of ear, nose, and throat health. There are studies available in the scientific community that support the idea that children who regularly have these bacteria in their body have better oral health overall.

Since the professor’s discovery, he made it his mission to develop a probiotic formula that is available to the public, carrying these high-quality and refined bacteria.

In addition to the obvious effects that BLIS K12 has in your oral health, it also is shelf stable. Essentially, this means that you do not have to preserve it with special handling or refrigeration to keep it active. It can remain at room temperature for years before it loses any of its potency.

Ways to Consume BLIS K12

One of the biggest perks about BLIS K12 is the fact that there are so many different forms of the probiotic, which makes it easy for anyone to take. Instead of having to swallow a huge capsule, most of the methods of consumption involve chewing or tasting the probiotic in some way. You can choose from a:

  • Chewable tablet
  • Fast-melting tablet
  • Lozenge
  • Piece of chewing gum
  • Stick-pack powder

No matter which method or form you use, you still get all of the healthy benefits of taking a supplement for your dental health.

Using BLIS K12

The BLIS K12 probiotic is meant to be taken on a daily basis to support the health of your teeth, gums, and everywhere else in your mouth.

This formula is designed with every consumer in mind, which means people of all ages can take the exact same probiotic. Get enough for the whole family so that you, your spouse, your parents, and your kids can all get the oral support they need for a healthy mouth.

When you take the probiotic, you also get the added benefit of fresher breath, due to the scent of the probiotic during digestion.

Contacting the Makers of BLIS K12

The website doesn’t seem to have a specific way to contact the makers of BLIS K12. However, they do have several social media profiles. To submit a question or to stay updated on the latest changes from the company, check out their profiles on Twitter and Facebook.


The biggest appeal of the BLIS K12 formula is that it treats an area of the body that most consumers don’t think to treat with a probiotic. Your oral health is just as important as your immune system and your digestive system, since poor oral care has been linked to cavities, gingivitis, and even diabetes. Make sure you keep up with your oral health as much as you take care of the rest of your body by trying out this probiotic for your family.

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