Biotest Carbolin 19 – Anabolic Lipolytic Agent To Build Muscle?


What is an Anabolic Agent & do it Help Gain Muscle Mass?

Anabolic agents are similar to hormones that are naturally produced in our body like testosterone. Their primary purpose is to promote the growth of skeletal muscles along with the development of male sexual characteristics in its users, they were first discovered in the mid 20th century when they were used as a means of treating ‘hypogonadism’, a condition in which the testes do not produce enough testosterone for proper bodily growth and sexual functioning.

During the course of research it was discovered that these agents could be used to facilitate muscle mass development in animals. Using this research, these compounds were modified and studied to provide muscle growth in athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters but like many other substances their abuse became rampant and there were restrictions placed on the circulation of these substances.

What are the Key Uses of Anabolic Agents?

Anabolic agents can play a major role in bodybuilding and weightlifting by providing the following benefits:

(i) They promote the easier development of pure muscle mass.

(ii) They maintain and protect the already developed muscle mass.

They also play an important role for athletes playing various competitive sports like basketball, football, track & field, rugby, wrestling, MMA, boxing, baseball by providing advantages like:

(i) Providing the ability to maintain high levels of performance for long durations.

(ii) Allowing for faster recovery from injuries.

(iii) Reducing the recovery times of athletes after intense workout sessions.

What is Biotest Carbolin 19?

Biotest Carbolin 19 is essentially an anabolic/lipolytic chemical agent which serves to build lean muscle mass in users while providing weight loss capabilities as well. The product claims the following benefits upon regular use:

(i) Provide an increase in muscle pump and improve the overall blood circulation in one's system.

(ii) Increase the rate of gain of muscle mass.

(iii) Increase the resistance and strength capacity of users.

(iv) Decrease the fat content of the user's body by targeting specific fat prone areas.

The product also claims to provide the same or even better benefits than Anavar, a famous anabolic supplement widely used amongst the bodybuilding community but without any of its negative side effects which many users have faced over the years, making it an effective ‘anabolic bridge’.

What are the Key Ingredients of the Product?

Carbolin 19 is a patent protected, laboratory synthesised compound that is primarily composed of colforsin 1,9 ethyl carbonate which is derived from its parent compound forskolin.

Forskolin is mainly found in a tropical perennial plant known as Plectranthus barbatus and has been widely used in many ancient eastern traditions because it was recognized to provide various benefits like reducing heart related issues, curing convulsions, delaying the frequency or even eliminating pain caused due to spasms, and reducing pain during urination.

Similarly, it has also been used widely by South American communities as a home remedy for various digestive problems, liver related issues, and headaches caused due to excess alcohol consumption and excess fatty food intake.

How do these Ingredients Benefit me?

The forskolin is initially extracted directly from the plant source and then further refined and purified until it becomes carbonate ester. This compound is further purified and the resultant product is what acts as the active agent in Carbolin 19.

  • In a research study conducted it was observed that anabolic effects of the product were found to be equal to that of Anavar.
  • Another interesting bit to note was that the product did not display any signs of increased liver toxicity unlike Anavar, which has been linked with cases of liver damage.
  • Biotest Carbolin 19 was studied and found to not require receptors for the transportation of nutrients into the muscles and tissues unlike Anavar and other commercial supplements.
  • The product promotes the natural production of testosterone and prevents the decrease in its levels as one ages.
  • It promotes the overall bioavailability of the user’s system which means that essential nutrients are more easily absorbed into the cells and tissues making it easier for faster muscle growth.

Also, using 2-peer reviewed studies it was discovered that Carbolin 19 was more effective in helping users gain more lean muscle mass (4.3 lbs) and reduce more fat deposits (2.9 lbs) than Anavar.

How Do People Feel About Carbolin 19?

The reception towards the product is generally warm and using a weighted average of 10 reviews, the product received an overall rating of 3/5 stars. There are reviews and testimonials available throughout the internet on various blogs, websites and fitness columns which users can check out before making up their minds.

Some satisfied users include Pascal Matheis who claims that the product is effective and works just as advertised. He states that he has been using the supplement along with a modified diet plan for around a month and that he has seen results like more defined muscles, increased energy and endurance levels and reduced fat deposits. Similarly, Sheldon B. states that the product helped him get back into regular training after he had to rest completely for four weeks after a debilitating surgery.

However, all the reviews were not positive and some users like Amanda Grubbs claimed that the product did not benefit her even after following a strict diet plan and exercise regime. Along the same lines was the review written by Joe Sorge who said that he did not notice any benefits even after 60 days of continuous product use.

Biotest Carbolin 19 Price & Availability

The quickest and most efficient way to make a purchase is to place an order online at The product comes in a plastic container containing 60 capsules each and priced at $29.95. Payments can be done using a variety of means including PayPal, MasterCard, Visa.

All products come with a complete money back guarantee in case customers are unsatisfied with the quality of the product or the results that they have obtained upon its use.

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