BCAA Blast – Lean Muscle Growth Amino Acid Supplement?


A powerful BCAA blend formulated to give users a huge burst of energy to help them power through more reps and longer workouts delivering better results, BCAA Blast is available in seven different flavors and works quickly to help muscles perform to their peak when lifting weights or working out.

Men and women who are involved in high intensity sports like running or power lifting will notice a huge difference when adding a BCAA formula to their training regime. Please read below to learn more about BCAA Blast and how to purchase a container.

What is BCAA Blast?

Each serving of BCAA Blast contains 5000 milligrams of branched chain amino acids in the perfect two to one ratio giving consumers the right blend needed to support lean muscle development while burning fat.

By combining leucine, isoleucine, valine, and glutamine BCAA Blast targets the muscle tissue at a cellular level to help promote growth and improved strength gains.

Additionally, this formula will help support workout recovery ensuring muscles repair quickly and are ready for another workout without injury, soreness, or strain. The amino acids in BCAA Blast also promote nitrogen retention which helps lean muscle development.

How Does BCAA Blast Work?

There are a wide range of BCAA pre-workout mixes available on the market but many do not contain the proper research proven two parts leucine to one part isoleucine and valine. This ratio ensures that the body has the proper amino support needed to ensure lean muscle mass does not get compromised as people are working out and following a low calorie diet to promote weight loss.

Users simply mix one scoop of BCAA Blast with six to eight ounces of water or any preferred liquid. BCAA Blast can be consumed before exercise or any time of day in between meals or in the morning.

BCAA Blast Ingredients

Combining four essential amino acids that work together to ensure the muscles get the support they need to continue to get stronger and larger despite fat burn and weight loss.

-L-Leucine: This component supports the body’s protein synthesis to help promote lean muscle development. People who are trying to burn fat while also boosting strength and muscle mass will want to add a supplement containing leucine to their routine to help keep their body balanced and healthy without muscle loss.

-L-Isoleucine: An amino acid that boosts overall endurance leading to longer and harder workouts without fatigue. Additionally, isoleucine helps regulate blood sugar levels.

-L-Valine: Energy production at a cellular level is crucial for improving workout endurance. This amino acid creates this energy during and after workouts.

-L-Glutamine: Helps breakdown fat and promote weight loss while supporting lean muscle development.

Who Makes BCAA Blast?

BCAA Blast is manufactured by Pure Nutrition. This supplement company is based in Oxnard, California. Pure Nutrition started in 2011 and has been committed to offering consumers only the highest quality supplements available on the market.

Currently Pure nutrition offers over two hundred different supplements that help improve overall health, wellness, and workout performance.

BCAA Blast Pricing

Available for purchase online through Amazon and Bodybuilding.com.


BCAA Blast is available for purchase in two sizes.

-250 grams: Each container costs $20.99.

-500 grams: This size contains 77 servings and costs $26.99.

Both sizes are available in seven flavors including cherry, raspberry, green apple, fruit punch, pineapple mango, strawberry, and watermelon.

All purchases of BCAA Blast are eligible for free shipping with qualified Amazon purchases totaling $35.00 or greater.


This website offers BCAA Blast and is available in the 38 serving (250 gram) container for $18.99. Consumers can choose from cherry, fruit punch, pineapple mango, strawberry, and watermelon.

Should You Use BCAA Blast?

Men and women who are looking to add a BCAA drink mix to their fitness routine will want to consider this product. With so much competition in this supplement field it is good to do further research prior to settling on a BCAA formula.

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