Bach Flower Rescue Plus – Lozenges, B Vitamins & Gummy Remedies?


Balancing work and life can be stressful and make rest hard to come by. Before you turn to pharmaceutical sleep aids, it can be better for your health to try homeopathic stress relief first.

Now there is a company that makes natural products with flower essences, vitamins, and minerals that can help relieve stress, calm your mind, and help you rest better.

Today we will be discussing the Rescue Plus Natural Remedies by Bach Flower Remedies. We will be reviewing this product and helping you determine if they have the right one for you to try.

What Are Bach Flower Rescue Plus?

There are several different kinds of remedies that Bach makes. These include:

Rescue Plus Lozenges:

These lozenges combining Vitamins B5 and B12 to help calm the nerves and support top performance. They are designed to help relieve stress naturally, and are completely sugar free. They are orange flavored, and have an elderberry flower liquid center that can help support stress even on your busiest days

Rescue Plus Sleep Gummy with Melatonin:

These gummies are strawberry flavored, with flower extracts that are known to help calm the mind and body. They also have melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid that can help you rest well and wake up feeling refreshed

Rescue Plus Effervescent:

These drink mix tabs are bubbly and can help provide B Vitamins and flower essences to help you relax better after a hard day. Zinc can also help with cognitive function and help relieve stress. They are sugar free, and a mixed berry flavor

Other benefits of the Bach Flower Rescue Plus include:

  • They are all natural with flower essences and vitamins and minerals that support mind function and rest
  • These products are not habit forming
  • The products are not potentially dangerous of addictive like pharmaceuticals are
  • Gentle flower extracts can help calm the mind without any groggy effects
  • Can help you rest better so you feel energized the next day
  • They contain no preservatives or chemical add ins

Who Makes the Rescue Plus Remedies?

The Rescue Plus Natural Remedies are made by a company called Bach Flower Remedies. Bach Flower Remedies makes natural flower tinctures, oils, and other products that they offer for sale on in natural health food stores around the country. Bach has been a trusted natural flower remedy provider for more than 80 years.

Natural Remedies Pricing

Bach Flower Rescue Plus are available for purchase in stores around the country. Their prices can vary from each retailer, so to find a retailer near you that carries these products, visit their website to search by zip code.

Should You Buy the Bach Flower Rescue Plus?

If you want a natural product to help relieve stress and help you rest better, want to avoid pharmaceutical products and dependence, or just want to try something new, the Rescue Plus Remedies may have a product for you to try.

For more information on these products and how they can potentially help you, visit their website for details.

Learn More About Bach Flower Rescue Plus

You can learn more about Bach Flower Rescue Plus, read about how their product can naturally help with stress relief, and place an order for this product at their website at

Though we have not tried or used this product yet, we will update our information with new comments below as time goes on and more details become available. In the mean time, there is product information, ingredients lists, and detailed instructions on the website to give you an idea of the experience you may have with this product.

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