Aqualyx – Safe Slow Release Sugar-Based System For Adiposity?


For many years, those wanting to sculpt a firmer, trimmer body, liposuction was the procedure to which they would turn.

Although it is known to be safe, effective, and permanently reduce fat, recently, non-surgical alternatives for liposuction have become increasingly popular.

Claiming to be a safer and less invasive alternative to liposuction, Aqualyx is a groundbreaking fat reducing treatment that features a localized adiposity.

Removing small amounts of fat from specific areas on the body, Aqualyx is designed with a superior compound solution that is cultivated from the deoxycholate family.

Modified to create a slow release sugar-based system, this treatment method reduces the biological half-life of properties, allowing for optimal results and little to no adverse side effects.

Ideal for patients who do not want to undergo risky surgical procedures, Aqualyx is a scientifically proven weight loss solution that provides long-lasting results.

What Is Aqualyx?

Aqualysis/Aqualyx is a medical procedure that must be performed by qualified physicians or surgeons. Treating a variety of conditions, Aqualyx is a diverse treatment option that works successfully with different types of fat.

In order to identify individual needs, Aqualysis can be used with an ultrasound device in order to make sure that the Aqualyx product is correctly dissolved throughout the localized fat cells.

Since 2009, the Aqualyx treatment has been available all over the world. With more than two million Aqualyx vials having been used for patient treatment, the company has helped individuals in over 40 countries worldwide and has goals to further expand their services.

Unlike other weight loss methods, such as diet pills or supplements, Aqualyx is revolutionizing the market.

Aqualyx was created by world-renowned aesthetic surgeon Professor Pasquale Motolese. A man of innovation, Professor Motolese was responsible for creating the weight loss injection technique that was initially called “Aqualysis” or “Aquaplasty”.

Following a strict treatment protocol, this treatment consisted of injecting the formulated solution into areas of localized fat deposits found on the inner and outer thighs, chin, stomach, hips, knees, and arms.

Later, this solution was patented as Aqualyx and not only treats stubborn fat deposits, but is also used to treat pseudogynocomastia in men. Identified as excessive breast tissue growth, men with this condition have significantly large chests.

By liquefying the fat cells, this buildup of fat is destroyed. After Aqualyx destroys the cell, lipids are released into the body and are naturally removed by the lymphatic system.

How Aqualyx Works

The power of Aqualyx lies in the formula. The ingredients used in the formula contain special ingredients that attach to the tissues, binding fat to the cell walls.

These ingredients, also known as plant polymers, dissolve the cells and allow them to be re-absorbed into the bloodstream. After this function is complete, the patient will then excrete the cells out of the body through the urination process.

Aqualysis is performed using a long flexible cannula that was specifically designed for administering Aqualyx. Requiring specialist training, every doctor must complete this specific program before offering Aqualysis within their practice.

For each treatment, there are usually two injection spots per treatment area. Although most patients have reported that the pain is not unbearable, a local anesthetic solution is usually applied before the injection, increasing tolerance and providing comfort.

Depending on the number of small pockets of fat tissue that the patients want to reduce, the Aqualyx treatment is usually repeated approximately two to eight times.

After the initial treatment, in order to maintain results, Aqualyx injections are repeated once a month, usually every three to four weeks.

Following the treatment, patients will often experience minimal swelling, redness, tenderness, and irritation in the treated areas. After four to six days, the discomfort will fade and the appearance of the skin will return to normal.

Highly effective, patients will notice a visible reduction in fat deposits after just one treatment of Aqualyx, though results vary depending on the state of the cell membrane stability of each individual.

Purchasing Aqualyx

To undergo an Aqualyx treatment, patients must first find a qualified practitioner that specializes in the procedure. The company website provides more information about Aqualyx as well as a list of the current qualified physicians that perform the procedure.

Aqualyx treatments currently cost between £395 and £495 per treatment area.

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