Applied Nutrition Green Tea Triple Fat Burner – Real Results?


Going to the gym, working out and having a good nutrition are key elements to a healthy lifestyle and a fit figure. By exercising a minimum of three times a week and maintaining a balanced diet people can prevent getting fat. Although working out and following a wholesome dietary regimen are essential features for weight management, these habits are not enough when it comes to quickly burning fat cells.

In order to efficiently speed the weight loss process, there are many natural solutions and supplements people can turn to. Drinking Green Tea three times a day is one of these highly recommended options. Green Tea is not only an enjoyable hot beverage, it is also natural, healthy, energizing and results can be observed after a few days only.

Applied Nutrition is not only the leader in the distribution of nutritional supplements but also values the development of products of the highest quality using science-backed ingredients. The company has formulated a fat burner composed out of three varieties of tea which are White Tea, Black Tea, and Green Tea. This formula enhances the performance of the herbal solution drastically by providing the body with powerful nutritional compounds that promote weight loss.

In this article, we will introduce Green Tea Triple Fat Burner, a liquid soft-gel capsule supplement containing polyphenols, catechins, and theaflavins, which are essential chemicals when it comes to burning fat. The benefits provided by this product affect the body faster due to the extreme bioavailability of the Green Tea extract gel therein. In addition, this product increases energy levels as its formulation includes natural caffeine found in each tea extract that promote alertness and overall performance.

What are the Benefits of the Triple Fat Burner?

Triple Fat Burner is a powerful product carefully developed in order to support weight loss using three different types of tea extracts: white, black and green. Of these, Green Tea is the most popular, as many products on the market include the herb in their formula. In addition, this beverage is heavily promoted by celebrities as not only a weight loss supplement but also as a detoxing and calming agent.

Celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba and The Kardashians have been drinking and praising the effects of Green Tea as it has been proven by multiple studies to effectively reduce stress, boost the immune system and act as a healthy alternative to stimulants such as coffee. Rich in antioxidants, this compound is an effective fat burner due to the fact that it contains catechins such as EGCG.

EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate is a type of catechin found in large amounts in tea. This chemical is essential as it mobilizes fat cells in order to turn them into energy. EGCG operates by inhibiting a key enzyme in the body, breaking down norepinephrine. This process causes an increase in norepinephrine levels, which enhances the rate at which the body is able to break down fatty tissue and convert it into adenosine triphosphate, the energy currency of the human body.

White tea is a Chinese beverage that has been around for generations but has only started to hit the American market in the recent years. As this tea also contains high levels of antioxidants it enhances the immune system’s performances. White tea has been claimed to increase metabolism as well as burn calories, however major studies are yet to be conducted in order to confirm those claims. Nevertheless, this tea can still support weight loss as it helps reduce cravings for sugary drinks and snacks by acting as a mild appetite suppressant.

Although it contains slightly different nutrients than Green Tea, Black Tea has also been linked to weight loss due to its high caffeine and flavonoid content. Used as a replacement for sugary beverages, Black Tea can significantly increase fat metabolism as it inhibits lipase, which is an enzyme used to digest fat cells. When this enzyme is inhibited, some ingested dietary fats can’t be absorbed by the body and are eliminated.

Green Tea Triple Fat Burner Availability and Pricing

Green Tea Triple Fat Burner is a product developed by Applied Nutrition as a powerful weight loss supplement as it contains extracts of three different teas rich in nutrients that not only support fat burn but also boost the immune system and your energy levels. If you are looking to boost the effect of your healthy lifestyle and support fat loss, this product can be ordered on Amazon for $8.96 USD.

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