BodyWell Rx – Maximum Strength Joint & Back Pain Relief Spray?


Are you someone who suffers from arthritis, muscle, nerve or back pain? Perhaps you feel like you have tried everything and nothing seems to provide the relief you are looking for. Chances are this is you, and know that you are not alone. And, more people just like you are tired of taking different prescription medications or attending treatments that are both costly and ineffective.

This, is where BodyWell Rx comes into the picture. It is probable that it is the relief you are looking for. It is a topic spray however, contains the ability to also address the pain at the root cause and help improve and support ailments at a cellular level.

Safe to say that it is unlike other topical treatments available on the market today.

The BodyWell Rx Pain Relief Spray, is Internationally Patented and Patent pending formulas helps reduce pain impulses directly along the nerve fibers. This will not only provide pain relief, but will also work to reduce inflammation, increase the blood supply, soften scar tissue and act as an antiseptic to an injured area through its therapeutic effects.

It can do so because of the effects of the four (4) key and all-natural ingredients.

More About the Four (4) Key Ingredients in BodyWell Rx

There are four patented ingredients found in the BodyWell Rx Pain Relief Spray:
  1. DMSO
  2. MSM
  3. H202
  4. Peppermint Oil

DMSO, is often used topically to decrease pain and speed up the recovery of wounds, burns, muscle and skeletal injuries. It has also been used to help treat headaches, inflammation, osteoarthritis, severe facial pain – and more.

MSM, has a wealth of benefits similar to DMSO discussed above. These include; chronic joint pain, leaky gut syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis, allergies, asthma, bone fractures, joint inflammation, arthritis, etc.

There have been extensive studies on the addition of H202 (hydrogen peroxide) to support joint pain relief. Specifically, these studies included patients who suffer for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. They found that the oxygen it delivered through its chemical processes, was both beneficial and showed improvements after long term use.

Lastly, peppermint oil. This oil has an array of benefits that range from its diffusing properties and in this case, its topical benefits. It is commonly found in products that provide pain relief and help combat inflammation. In addition, peppermint oil is ideal for topical use in wounds, cuts and scrapes thanks to its antiseptic properties.

Directions for Use

Before using, make sure you shake the bottle of BodyWell Rx Pain Relief, really well. Ensure that the area that you are applying the spray in wiped off with a damp cloth five minutes before application. If the area needs to be cleaned, make sure to use only a mild soap or no soap at all.

The skin should be clean and dry before application.

Spay the BodyWell Pain Relief Spray directly onto the area or into your hands using 3-5 sprays before applying to the affected area(s). This process can be repeated twice daily.

This spray may dry out the skin – if this is the case, simply apply a basic or natural moisturizer to the area. If you have used a moisturizer, please wait a minimum of four (4) hours before using the spray again.

Within 15-20 minutes of application, you are able to get dressed and go about your day as normal. You want to ensure it has dried completely to optimize your results and help you step back into a pain free lifestyle!

How to Order BodyWell Rx

The BodyWell Pain Relief Spray can be ordered on their website for only $44.95. This is a three (3) ounce bottle.

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