Designed to improve flexibility for improved balance and function of the lower leg, the DCT Proflex is a leverage based stretching device that targets the eccentric stretch of individual muscles.
Please read on for more about this equipment that reduces pain and strengthens the lower leg.
What Is The DCT Proflex?
Many of the muscles contained in the lower body are affected by ankle tension and strength. The DCT Proflex was designed to specifically focus on stretching and strengthening muscles around the ankle to improve foot and lower leg muscular issues.
Dynamic contraction technique, also known as DCT, was developed to lengthen muscles while they are under tension and contracting to provide a deep, isolated stretch. The foot itself offers a short lever by which to create an eccentric contraction, making this type of stretch essentially impossible by hand, so the Proflex lengthens that lever and decreases the amount of force required.
Currently this is the only stretch device based on adjusting leverage on the market. By changing tension and maneuvering the leg through different movements, every muscle in the lower leg, ankle, and foot can be isolated eccentrically and concentrically. This means that each part can be stretched individually without accidentally involving other muscles.
Improving movement with this kind of stretching alleviates pain from heel spurs, shin splints, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, and bunions. It simultaneously improves flexibility and dexterity, strength and coordination, and circulation for reduced chances of injury and increased balance and power. Overall, gait and posture will improve as well.
How Does the DCT Proflex Work?
To get a deep hamstring stretch, attach the Proflex to the bottom of the foot and tighten the straps to hold in item in place. With several different exercises available, users typically extend the foot in some way and gradually increase downward pressure on the straps to further the stretch.
DCT Proflex:
As a lever, the Proflex is a plank attached to the foot with Velcro straps and long handheld fabric straps with which tension is increased.
For those interested in the theory behind DCT or those looking for more exercises, the informational DVD includes easy to follow exercises and explains how each movement works.
It is important to note that Amazon does not appear to list the DVD, so it is unclear whether it would be included in an order through Amazon.
Pricing For DCT Proflex
For $149.95, the DCT Proflex is available through Amazon where users must order the correct size, which is based on foot length.
DCT ProFlex
For the same price of $149.95, consumers can purchase the DCT Proflex for Personal Use Package through the manufacturer’s website.
Other options include a Trainer's Package for $225 that comes with additional DVD content for assisted exercises for trainers or therapists working with clients or athletes, as well as the DCT knee pillow for $41.95.
Trainers also have the option of becoming DCT certified through a 12 hour CEU course.
Should You Use The DCT Proflex?
With specific benefits for tight muscles in the lower leg, it seems that those who regularly exercise, run, or generally deal with uncomfortable tension in the legs and feet would benefit most from this product.
It might also be appealing to those seeking to improve flexibility and protect the structural integrity of the feet. Interested readers can find more information at: