Rite Aid KidCents Safe Medication Disposal Program – New Launch?


Rite Aid KidCents Safe Medication Disposal Program, along with The Rite Aid Foundation have collaborated to support a safer living environment for your children by helping to reduce the misuse of prescription and non-prescription medications by adolescents and accidental childhood poisoning.

This program has included local law enforcement agencies, partnered with Rite Aid to provide medication disposal units in their service areas. These units are provided to ensure the safe handling and disposal of unwanted medications in an environmentally friendly way, while making them inaccessible to children and teens.

Increases In The Misuse Of Prescription Medication

The misuse of prescription drugs and childhood poisonings have been increasing, and Rite Aid along with law enforcement and Rite Aid KidCents Safe Medication Disposal Program are working together to put an end to these incidences.

The U.S. currently has acknowledged a major drug addiction and overdose problem, and these national epidemics have posed a serious threat to the safety, the well being, and the health of your children and teens.

Unused Medications Are Dangerous

Unwanted prescription medications are often left in the medicine cabinet, or in a drawer because the owner simply does not think to dispose of them, or doesn’t know how to safely dispose of their medications. This can lead to curious young children finding them and eating them, often thinking they may be candy.

Brightly colored tablets or capsules are often the first ones ingested, however many poisonings have occurred with access to all medications. In many instances, teens are finding ways to take your prescription medications to get high, often unaware of the serious side effects of ingesting medications prescribed for other uses.

Let’s Make A Difference

The reduction of drug accessibility and education on medication misuse and abuse for both parents and kids are key ways to address these serious issues. Educating children and teens can even lead to safer communities by ensuring older people are adhering to the safe disposal of medication in their neighborhoods.

The partnership between The Rite Aid Foundation and KidCents, along with local law enforcement agencies are working together to ensure a safe environment for everyone, especially your children.

Medication disposal can be safe and environmentally friendly with the right tools and access available to everyone. The Safe Medication Disposal Program accepts expired, unwanted, or unused medications and are disposed of responsibly, and removing the access to children and teens.

How To Apply to the Rite Aid KidCents Safe Medication Disposal Program

Your local Law Enforcement agencies should have access to a medication disposal unit. You would them contact them for information on how to safely dispose of your medication.

If you have any questions about the Safe Medication Disposal Program, you can email Rite Aid at [email protected].

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