AYO – Smart Wearable Blue Light Enhances Energy & Alertness?


Have you ever wondered if it was possible to gain control of your energy? Literally? Without having to drink, eat or apply any lotions or potions. That is what Ayo is all about.

Wearable technology that emits a blue light through short exposures, that will help increase your energy, optimize your own rhythm in your body while synced to your lifestyle.

Not only fascinating and cutting edge technology, but portable and provides an individual experience for each user.

Ayo When You Travel

Perhaps you are professional on the go. And, what we mean by on the go involves long air travel often finding yourself in different time zones, climates, etc. It is of no surprise I’m sure that this type of travel takes a toll on one’s body and more specifically, energy levels.

You will probably find this almost ‘too good to be true’, airing however on the side of truth – you have the capabilities with Ayo, to program your flight itinerary, locations, times, etc. and this will allow Ayo to calculate the best times for you – to put it to use.

Believe it or not, all of this can be done through your customized app. Based on sophisticated algorithms the Ayo device can make suggestions as far as when you should seek or avoid light and ultimately make your travel experiences more enjoyable and productive.

Really think about this for a moment. Think of the last time you had to travel be it overseas, or long flights coast to coast – you were exhausted once you landed. And, chances are you didn’t do a whole lot productively upon arrival.

Ayo gives you the ability to change that.

AYO And Your Sleep Patterns

We know, that sleep is too much of a commodity – especially those who keep busy schedules. The Ayo technology allows you to adapt your biological clock to your lifestyle. What this means is, with the blue light technology, it can help you wake up earlier and easier in the morning, or alternatively, be able to fall asleep easier in the evening.

Again, all this is available through the Ayo device in conjunction with your smart phone app.

AYO Gives You Energy

Unfortunately, more and more people find a common trend in losing their energy in the afternoon. Now, there may be a variety of reasons as to why this is happening, but chances are you’ve been on the go, busy – and your body is simply trying to recoup its energy. Several factors may help this – a nutritious snack, or if you tend to rely on coffee or energy drinks – but what if Ayo could help boost that energy for you?

Through exposing yourself to light, this is possible. To some degree, it could be compared to that power nap we all talk about but very few do. With Ayo, no naps needed.

How Does AYO Work?

Without getting into too much of the scientific side – know this; Ayo is based on blue light technology. What this means is, it is able to optimize your body rhythm. For more than fifteen years, there have been several clinical studies that show the relation between blue light and the management of our body rhythm. This not only allows us to maintain a busy but healthy lifestyle, and also help us adapt when necessary especially travelers as mentioned above, and those with difficulty sleeping.

The Ayo Intelligence

We have covered that Ayo is wearable technology – shared the scientific components, so you might be asking yourself – how is this technology even possible? Here is what we know; through sophisticated electronics and software that is able to use hundreds of algorithms, Ayo is cutting edge, to say the least.

Perhaps you are familiar with the study and developments of chronobiology – chances are you are not, and that’s OK. But it is worth mentioning because that is the field that Ayo is coming from. In simple terms, it is using light solutions for managing a healthy body clock.

The ability to wear a device that will track, provide advice and help you achieve and/or maintain your body rhythm, is pretty remarkable.

Humans And Blue Light Technology

Although the hustle and bustle of today’s society can be exciting it has also taken a toll on our internal clocks. As a result, more people are struggling with achieving adequate sleep, lack of energy and in fact, being less productive. Through studies of blue light technology, that is found in the wearable technology of Ayo, this can not only be managed better – but quite possible even reversed.

Resetting the clock, might be one way of defining Ayo.

Studies Available

On the Ayo website, there are several documented studies, and links attached, that discuss the blue light technology, how to use it for optimizing your body clock, its effects and benefits.

Who Is Ayo?

Ayo, is a group of self-proclaimed innovators, designers, engineers, programmers and all things entrepreneurial. Their vision is to create, and continue to create meaningful technology and solutions for millions of people to benefit from, every single day.

Ultimately the goal is to enhance, improve and inspire lives through wellness combined with technology, science – backed by forward, innovative and creative thinking.

Purchasing AYO

AYO wearable technology is available for purchase on the website for $299.00. Shipping is free worldwide and delivery time is based on your location.

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