Muscle Freak PharmaFreak – Amino Acid Pre-Workout Multivitamin?


Before we discuss the nitty gritties of Muscle Freak, we should look at why amino acids are so important for our bodies. While commonly referred to as the building blocks of our systems, these important protein based compounds are essential for the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, metabolic pathways and our overall mental health. In-fact data released by the University of Auckland has shown that amino derivatives play a role in about every small function that might occur within our bodies.

In terms of the various ill effects of having poor amino doses within our bloodstreams. We can see that a majority of diseases such as obesity, high-cholesterol levels, diabetes, insomnia, erectile dysfunction or arthritis can be linked back to a loss of high amino concentration within our key metabolic work sites. Also, some statistical data has also pointed out that low amino acids levels can also cause issues like hair loss ,wrinkle formation and cellular degeneration.

About Muscle Freak

As the name alludes to, Muscle Freak is an all new enhancement supplement that can be thought of as a hybrid ‘amino acid pre-workout powder’ that has been clinically validated. Upon testing it has been found to possess a highly efficacious multivitamin complex, that also includes :”three forms of energizing stimulants that include ginseng, caffeine, and five grams of amino acids (BCAAs, taurine and tyrosine) per individual serving”.

From a benefits point of view, the supplement has been found to deliver users with all of the following uses:

(i) Energy Increase: the active agents have been studied and found to allow for an instant release of copious amounts of energy. Apart from immediate release, there are also many thermogens that have been shown to gradually melt our fat stores so that we can obtain energy as and when required (even during the course of a long stressful day).

(ii) Athletic Performance: as mentioned previously, the amino acids in the mix have been found to increase our innate athletic potential. These compounds help increase the vitality of our muscles and tendons, and even allow for the faster recuperation of our energy stores.

(iii) Focus: what makes Muscle Freak unique is the fact that the manufacturer has infused the core formula with nootropics. These compounds increase the vitality of our Central Nervous System, thereby allowing for an increase in our overall sharpness, cognition and memory levels.

(iv) Endurance: like with all high quality enhancers, this product also contains certain active agents that can help increase our overall stamina and endurance capacity. This results in us having the ability to strive harder and push our bodies to the max at the gym.

Compositional Information

  • Ginseng: this highly efficacious triple ginseng based complex is highly potent and has been made through the use of three different types of ginseng derivatives. Not only that there are also many other stimulants likes caffeine in the mix. These compounds have been widely studied and found to provide our bodies with an instant increase in our overall mental and physical energy levels.
  • Amino Acid Complex: studies have shown that with each serving of Muscle Freak, users can obtain 5 grams of pure amino acids. Each of these amino derivatives are composed of some of the most effective muscle-building and performance-enhancing protein compounds available in the market today. In terms of benefits, this complex not only supports muscle growth, but has also been shown to assist in recovery and other similar benefits.
  • MultiVitamin Complex: studies have shown that a single serving of this product can account for all of our daily vitamin based needs.

Pricing And Availability

Each container of Muscle Freak contains 230 gms of the powder. It is available in a Fruit Punch flavour and can be ordered from the official webpage of the manufacturer. Additionally, for physical purchases there is also a store locator function available online. Payments can be done using safe means like PayPal, JCB, Discover and Visa.

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