J.F. Rabbit’s Water – Ginger, Carrot & Cucumber Vegetable Drinks?


Vegetables are essential for one’s overall wellness and that is definitely a given. Consumers must ensure that their daily vegetable intake is not compromised because the body is only capable of absorbing nutrients from certain types of food. Unfortunately, many consumers have taken the potency of eating vegetables lightly, thus one is likely to feel weak, lacking of nutrients and lazy. Fortunately, there is a brand that incorporates essential components found in vegetables into their drinks, and this brand is called the J.F.Rabbit.

With every sip of the J.F.Rabbit’s Water, consumers are certain to experience uplifted mood, a satisfying energy level and nutrients the body requires. To better assess the many health factors associated with these drinks, this review will analyze the J.F. Rabbit’s Water in terms of its purpose, the key ingredients used in each drink, and their nutritional values.

About J.F.Rabbit’s Water

The J.F.Rabbit is a brand that focuses on infusing essential vegetable components into each drink of water they offer. James and Felix are the creators of the J.F. Rabbit. Their routine once used to be consistently consuming a wide range of vegetables. They later noticed how consuming vegetables was not just for feeding the body, but rather one’s mind and spirit as well. They felt happier and were quite energized without the use of sugars, fillers, preservatives and other energy inducing drinks. Thus the idea of J.F.Rabbit came about.

What Are The Key Ingredients Used In The J.F.Rabbit’s Water?

The key ingredients used in each of the flavors offered are Malic Acid, Vitamin C and Zinc. Malic Acid is a naturally occurring component in most fruits and vegetables. It provides consumers with a tart like taste that has the ability to wake one’s taste buds up. In addition, it is known to fight against tiredness and poor oral cleanness.

Vitamin C works in the development, healing and protecting of one’s tissues. It also induces collagen production, promotes enhanced bones, teeth and immune support, and enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron and other essential nutrients. Similarly to Vitamin C, Zinc works to optimize one’s overall health by targeting different aspects of one’s body. For instance, it works to enhance the body’s defense system against bacteria, it induces proteins and DNA synthesis, and it contains healing and protecting properties as well.

Other ingredients are used as well, but they differ depending on the flavors offered. Currently, J.F.Rabbit carries three different types of flavored water and they are: Cucumber Water, Ginger Water with a touch of lime and Carrot Water with Orange Blossom. With the Ginger Water, consumers can also expect to see the use of ginger root extract and ginger juice, whereas with the Cucumber Water, natural cucumber flavor is also used. Lastly, the Carrot Water with Orange Blossom also contains: carrot juice concentrate and salt. Furthermore, each and every J.F. Rabbit’s Water is made in UK with as many UK obtained ingredients as possible.

What Are The Nutritional Values Of The J.F.Rabbit’s Water?

One average, consumers are provided with a drink that contains a minimum of 3 calories to a maximum of 6 per drink. Each drink also contains a boost of energy close to 2kcal. The sugar level is anywhere between 0grams and slightly more, and this is because of the different vegetable concentrates included per bottle.

J.F.Rabbit’s Water Review Summary

Overall, the J.F.Rabbit’s assorted flavors of water not only ensure that one is fully hydrated, but also ensures that one’s daily intake of Vitamin C and Zinc are not compromised. While many would pick water over drinks of this sort, consumers need to realize that every J.F.Rabbit’s Water is slightly healthier because of its vegetable properties used. This drink alone can substitute bowls of vegetables, which is certain to please consumers. This being said, consumers are not advised against consuming whole vegetables, but instead are encouraged on also include more convenient and easy to consume types of drinks as well.

The three flavors offered are certain to please the mass population, as one can choose from a spicy kick, sense of freshness or an additional boost to one’s system. Each and every sip is also sugar and gluten free, thus making it open to those with gluten related allergies. Consumers no longer need to worry over eating vegetables or dinking simple water, as each J.F.Rabbit’s Water is pungent and consistent in taste.

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