Tiny Step – The Mom, Baby, Kid, Parenting & Pregnancy Resource?


Discovering you are pregnant, becoming a new mother (or parent) and learning the ins and outs of parenting is both an exciting and terrifying time.

We would like to believe we’re ready for anything, but those curve balls often slide in there and can sometimes leave us feeling blindsided, overwhelmed, frustrated and even discouraged.

Those emotions are completely natural, and when we have the pleasure of seeing our little ones grow and flourish into little humans, the harder parts we realize are all part of the journey.

Wouldn’t it be ideal though, to have a place you could go, or someone to call on when those tougher times arise? Or perhaps when we’re looking for new found ways or ideas for our children?

Tiny Step has taken that concept and they provide a jam-packed website full of blog topics, complete with interactive Questions and Answers from parents to be, and parents from all over.

Tiny Step Topics Included

More than 200 blog style posts, touching on subjects like; pregnancy symptoms, what toothpastes are best, relationships with your spouse and a new baby, working with your mother in law, breastfeeding strategies and more!

The easy to read blogs come equipped with an approximate read time, ranging from a ‘2-minute read’ to ’10-minute read’. These are often nice touches, especially for busy parents on the go.

The blogs, like the rest of the website, appear to be created and shared from a parent perspective – someone who’s been there, or is there.

Tiny Step App

Another feature of Tiny Step is their app, available on Google Play – and per their website has more than 250,000 downloads to date. It’s described as pregnancy and parenting at your fingertips.

Like the website, the application is kept up to date with real world, real time parents, sharing tips and information, as well as the ability to ask questions when in need.

The app also features different groups parents can join; moms of children in daycare, baby names, baby care, parenting tips, etc.

Tiny Step Resources

Available on both the website, and on their mobile application, Tiny Step provides a pregnancy calendar equipped with what to expect, your baby is the size of a kidney bean (and other tangible examples), baby development in utero, etc.

In addition, these two platforms also provide a vaccination chart starting from birth up to 12 years old. This includes what vaccinations are due, their functions, and the ability to keep track for your own records.

Tiny Step Question & Answer

The website also provides a very interactive platform for Q & A. To date, more than 100,000 questions have been asked and answered. There are questions ranging from pregnancy to toddler ages for the most part.

Tiny Step appears to be a simple to use platform as well, which makes it easy for parents to upload their questions and keep track of replies and answers with ease. What was noted as well, is that questions posed, appear to be answered within minutes.

While taking a thorough look on the website, real time questions were being posted and answered what seemed almost immediate.

Some example questions were; ‘should I feed my baby water?’, or ‘what natural ways can I increase breast milk’, or ‘what are the best diapers to use’.

Tiny Step Summary

The site overall, is a wealth of practical information, and a community like setting for anyone looking to interact, meet other parents, and have their questions answered.

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