6 Hour Sleep – Natural Drug-Free Non-Habit Sleep Aid Drink Bottles?


The recommended hours of sleep per day is said to be 7 hours. Of these 7 hours, how many of them have been disrupted? How long is it taking to fall sleep? It is not an easy task to attain a full night’s rest, as many consumers have turned to energy drinks and coffee first thing in the morning.

Not only does it provide consumers with a jittery energy source, but it also may induce anxiousness, which can prolong one’s sleep.

With the use of the 6 Hour Sleep, consumers may sleep for 6 hours without having to wake up in the middle of night, counting sheep or taking manmade drugs and pills. The following will provide consumers with an in depth insight on the 6-Hour Sleep in terms of its purpose, its main ingredients, and its dos and don’ts.

What Is The 6 Hour Sleep?

The 6 Hour Sleep is a supplement designed with the intention of providing consumers with a natural way to fall asleep. It may promote a full and continuous 6 hours of sleep, which can contribute to a refreshed self. Ultimately, it can eliminate a sense of staggering, or weakness and may elevate one’s ability to target day-to-day tasks in a proficient manner.

What Are The Main Ingredients Of The 6 Hour Sleep?

The main ingredients in the 6 Hour Sleep are Melatonin, 5-HTP, GABA, Valerian Root, Passion Flower, Ashwagandha, Vitamin E, Chamomile, Magnesium, Lemon Balm, Mangosteen and Acai Extract. The following is a quick analysis of some of its ingredients and its associated benefits:


Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the glands. Because it is not produced in sufficient quantities, supplements are can make a positive impact. Some of its benefits may include enhanced natural sleep, eased jet lag, and may relieve PMS related pain.


5-HTP is naturally derived from an African plant seed known as the Griffonia simplicifolia. Some of its uses may include: eased stress and anxiety levels, and eliminated insomnia, PMS, and headaches.


GABA is a type of amino acid that enhances the communication between the brain cells and the nervous system. It may control overexcitement experienced by consumers, which may also allow one to experience a sense of relaxation.

Valerian Root

Valerian Root is a natural herb that has been used to relieve poor sleep. Its properties may induce sleep naturally, regulate blood pressure, and improve one’s stress management skills and more.


Ashwagandha is a natural herb popularly used in Ayurvedic, an Indian natural medicinal practice. Based on its properties, it can contribute towards easing all types of stresses including that of the physical, mental, emotional and chemical stresses.


An herb that’s been used for the longest time, Chamomile may eliminate stomachaches. However, it is popularly known for its ability to achieve a sense of calmness, while promoting sleep.

Based on its sample ingredients list, it is clear that the 6-Hour Sleep contains natural properities that can work within one’s system to better the quality of one’s sleep.

What Are The Dos And Don’ts Of Using The 6 Hour Sleep?

When the 6 Hour Sleep is used accordingly, one can improve his or her sleep, otherwise one may experience unwanted symptoms. The following is a quick look at things to avoid during consumption:

  • Avoid cutting down on the quantity consumed. If a 2-ounce bottle is too strong, then it is okay to consume half of it
  • It is not intended for pregnant or nursing women or persons under the age of 18
  • It not recommended to consume it with alcoholic beverages or as a cocktail mix

To maximize the 6 Hour Sleep, consumers are advised to drink its full content 20 minutes prior to going to sleep. Furthermore, it can also be used in time of need like on a plane, before a nap or as a mean to help consumers feel refreshed.

Is The 6 Hour Sleep Valuable?

Sleep is one thing that cannot be compromised, as it can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health, as well as one’s emotions and productivity levels. The use of the 6-Hour Sleep may be valuable because of its chances of enhancing quality sleep in consumers.

What’s unique about its formula is its high source of antioxidants that further increases antioxidant defenses levels, which may also contribute towards reduced memory loss.

Furthermore, many of its ingredients contain intertwined properties that release tension in the body, while increasing relaxation naturally. For more information, go to: https://www.6hoursleep.com/.

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