Yeastrol: Natural Candida Cleanse Detoxes Toxins In Your Body?


Yeastrol is a supplement that helps consumers to manage the amount of yeast in their body. The treatment is available in multiple packages, allowing consumers to buy up to five months’ worth of the remedy at once.

What Is Yeastrol?

The immune system is strong, but there are many ways that consumers constantly put their body at risk for infection and illness. Eating complex carbohydrates, like sugar and grains, can cause the body to have an overgrowth of candida yeast, which leads to infections and a weakened immune system. Dietary changes typically manage this issue, but a supplement like Yeastrol can help as well.

When consumers order Yeastrol, they will receive:

  • A plan that helps consumers eliminate candida over the next 60 days
  • A five-step process
  • Important research that has been done on candida
  • Shopping lists that make it easier to shop
  • A course that is broken down in to 10 parts via email
  • A handbook for navigating stress, which can make consumers feel more inclined to eat poorly
  • A symptom-tracker workbook
  • Many recipes for a healthy diet to avoid candida

Consumers are not given a list of ingredients, but the website boasts how the ingredients can eliminate the candida albicans. Even without these details, the creators of Yeastrol claim that it has the power of prescription solutions, but this type of potency is usually regulated. Along with the changes to acidity in the body, consumers may be able to improve the immune system with it as well.

Read on below to see what the creators say can happen with the use of Yeastrol.

How It Works

According to the website, this treatment works much like other anti-fungal remedies, in that Yeastrol should be able to break down the walls of the candida yeast. Once the formula gets into the cell membrane, it naturally disrupts it, destroying the yeast cells. This process is carried out with caprylic acid, which also helps to balance the acidity in the body.

With reduced acidity, the body is less likely to overproduce candida yeast.

Using Yeastrol

The website does not specifically outline the right dosage for the day, but the 60-capsule bottle is supposed to last for a month. With that information, consumers will probably need to take two capsules daily for the right effect.

Even while the user takes Yeastrol, they can make some changes in their own routine to improve the imbalance of candida. Some of the changes that the company recommends include reducing sugar, introducing healthy fruits and vegetables instead.

Pricing For Yeastrol

Consumers will have the choice of several packages for this item, which includes:

  • One bottle for $29.95
  • Three bottles for $59.95
  • Five bottles for $89.95

If this treatment does not work for the individual, they have up to 90 days to initiate a return to get a full refund.

Contacting The Creators Of Yeastrol

Since this treatment can impact so many areas of the body, it is important to learn as much information as possible before use. To get ahold of the customer service team for Yeastrol, consumers can call the toll-free number that applies to their location.

  • United States and International: 302-684-6186
  • United Kingdom: 44 203-781-8035
  • Australia: (800) 058-524
  • Brazil: (21) 3956-0567
  • Deutschland: 069 222 239961

Yeastrol Conclusion

Yeastrol is meant for consumers that want to correct an imbalance of candida yeast in the body. With better immunity and less acidity, consumers put themselves at a lessened risk. However, as the user improves their body with Yeastrol, they should also change the way that they maintain their diet to give the formula a better chance at success.

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