The way to a man's heart is though his stomach. It is also the gateway to a healthy life. There are nearly a trillion bacteria in the gut. Studies conducted at the University of Berne found substantial evidence linking certain bacteria in the gut to assisting with development and strengthening of the immune system. These cells provide about half the cells of the body’s immune response.
The stomach is essential in the body's defence. What about the health of the gut itself? Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that support good digestion and nutrient absorption and keep the intestines in good shape.
They accomplish this by balancing the intestinal microbiota. People can now influence these microbiota. This is where Advanced Probiotic V.I. Biotics Maintenance Blend Supplement by Vos Infinitum comes in.
What Is Advanced Probiotic V.I. Biotics Maintenance Blend Supplement?
Advanced Probiotic V.I. Biotics Maintenance Blend Supplement by Vos Infinitum is a 6 Strains vegetable capsule that is has enhanced nutritional absorption. With its enhanced DE111 formula it supports healthy digestion.
This potent blend looks to focus on:
Gut Bacteria: As the majority of one's immune system is in the gut, this capsule helps the probiotics keep those stomach flora healthy. These microorganisms, then, have a holistic effect by keeping the body healthy.
Stable Bacteria: Most of the probiotics consumed naturally never make it to the end. This is because the digestion process, not knowing the difference, kills it off. This supplement via DE111 technology ensures that the mix survives those stomach acids and provide for a healthier gut.
Probiotic Enhanced: These supplements are designed to have a double effect. When the probiotics reach the gut, not only do they add to the immune system they also repopulate with good bacteria.
Long Shelf Life: One issue with most probiotics is their storage. This maintenance blend is viable under varied temperatures without the need for refrigeration. This is achieved though the advanced manufacturing process which keeps the bacteria alive.
How Does The Maintenance Blend Supplement Work?
Most of the cells for the immune system are supplied by the stomach, when probiotics are abundant. This probiotics supplement replenishes those good bacteria and enables optimal digestive and immune health. It also provides relief from a host of other issues such as bloating, gas and irregularity. Furthermore, research has found supplementing ones diet with these probiotecs also has a positive effect on brain health and memory.
They do so by:
6 Potent Probiotic Strains: This variety of strains in the blend is used to not only deal with the bad bacteria, it counters the ill effects of a broad spectrum of antibiotics. The different types also help in maintaining weight as well as cholesterol and glucose to a healthy level.
Vegetable Capsules: These capsules are suitable for vegetarians. They are also easily digestible., as they are easy to swallow, time-released capsules. In the stomach they do their jobs without any bloating or discomfort.
Enhanced DE111 formula: This formula works to complement the other probiotics in the body. It works to control the microbial population in the stomach. At the same time it promotes the proper digestion of fats and complex carbohydrates.
Who Is Vos Infinitum
Vos Infinitum means “You unlimited”. They greatly focus on guaranteeing the quality of ingredients used. They always use 100% American made and sourced ingredients. This way the company has strict control over the quality of the product and also help support the American people by providing jobs. Further this is a veteran owned and operated business.
Advanced Probiotic V.I. Biotics Maintenance Blend Supplement Review Summary
It is critical today to understand the importance of microorganisms in our body. These capsules are GMP and NSF certified. They are a natural way to stay health. One of the best probiotics around that are wholly made in America. Priced reasonably at $18.76. For any other details or orders visit the amazon page at