Trophy Skin – Best Microdermabrasion Machines For Home Use?


The beauty industry has evolved drastically over generations. Today there are so many different types of makeup and skin care products available to us. If you take a look at lipsticks alone, there’s lip-gloss, lip repairs, matte lipstick, soft lipstick, etc.

There has been so much focus on what makeup products we should use to cover up our flaws that no one really tries to find a permanent solution. For instance, many use foundation as a medium to cover up acne or blemishes, but once you wash all of it off, acne and blemishes still remain, if anything they worsen.

Makeup products aren’t always suitable for all skin types, as many have dealt with irritation and other sensitive skin issues. Sometimes we tend to forget that there’s no harm in looking natural. Each and every one of us is given such authentic features, why use peculiar products to cover it all up? Many fear of their flaws as a possible reason to be taunted at and use makeup as a mean to hide them, but did you know that there is a company that works to bring every natural aspect on your face to life?

Trophy Skin didn’t want people to cover up their problems, but rather find ways to permanently solve them.

About Trophy Skin

Imran Karim is the owner of a Texas medical spa and founder of Trophy Skin. He understands that most people are reluctant about spending time and money at a medical spa, so he came up with Trophy Skin. Trophy Skin is made up of non-invasive beauty technology created to bring the natural beauty within you.

With his customers’ needs and their expenses in mind, Imran sold his medical spa to create the same medical spa experience right at home through Trophy Skin. Trophy Skin’s very first product was the BlueMD Acne light. Over time, Imran and his team of experts came up with more and more innovative ideas. Today, they are well known for their impeccable skincare tools and personal microdermabrasion kits.

Their product lines consist of, and are not limited to:

  • MicrodermMD
  • RejuvadermMD
  • MiniMD
  • Microdermabrasion
  • RejuvaliteMD (Anti-Aging)
  • BlueMD (Acne)
  • Serums and Clay masks
  • Ultrasonic Skin Spatula

Let’s take a quick look at what Trophy Skin has to offer for enhanced natural skin.

Trophy Skin Product Line

  • BlueMD: BlueMD uses blue light therapy and is used to treat acne problems. It is certain that customers will start to see a reduction in acne as early as 30 days in the treatment. The blue light technology is used to eliminate bacteria, which are the main cause of acne to begin with. It is recommended to use it a few times per week for as little as 5 minutes. This product works to smoothen your skin and to make it blemish free.
  • RejuvadermMD: RejuvadermMD helps to smoothen, soften and brings a natural glow to your face in just 5 minutes per day, a few times per week. There is an exfoliator embedded in the in the RejuvadermMD that helps to eliminate dead skin cells, sun burn, scarring and the appearance of fine lines. There are 4 settings, in which you need to gradually increase along the way.
  • Ultrasonic Skin Spatula: the Ultrasonic Skin Spa is a 2 in 1 product that works like a cleanser and moisturizer. Removes excess oil, evens out your texture, eliminates dry skin, zero blackheads and gives your skin that glowing touch it needs. You just need to apply your choice of cleanser and the Ultrasonic Skin Spatula will do the cleaning and moisturizing.
  • Argan Anti-Aging Serum: Argan is known to help reverse aging signs, and naturally works as a skin repairer. Consisting of a highly nutritious essential oil, it works to provide moisture for your skin. There are many benefits in using this serum such as: tightening pores, healing sun burns, firmness of skin, nourishes the skin, and eliminates that aging look naturally. After washing your face, apply a small amount of the serum once during the day and at night on a daily basis.
  • Clay Mask: The Rasul Clay treatment, regardless of its color and odor, works to remove excess layers of oil to give you smooth and clearer skin. Effective for those with acne and oily prone skin.

This are just a couple of the products Trophy Skin has to offer. They have a lot more and if this is something that interests you, please go to: Trophy Skin specializes in providing informative advice when it comes to your facial needs. The smallest error in choosing your products can make a generously negative impact on your skin. Trophy Skin provides facts and tips of every facial skin problem, literally from A to Z, that need to be looked into.

Trophy Skin Review Summary

In terms of price, you can expect it to range from as little as $9 (for the serum) to over $250. This is great compared to frequent visits to a medical spa, which can cost you as low as $50 per visit. After going to a medical spa 5 times, you’ll start to lose money, so it’s better to consider Trophy Skin as an option. If the price seems over the top for a one-time payment, you also have the option of doing it as a monthly payment (amount varies based on the type of product).

This is the way to be taking care of your skin. Your skin will thank you for not intoxicating it with all the makeup products available to us. Why cover up when you can feel happy with your natural self? Making your skin empowering and shiny, like a trophy with the Trophy Skin.

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