Teagosa – Cold Brew Coffee & Tea Blend Improves Cognition?


When people decide to drink beverages, they often have to decide on either taking coffee or tea. But, who says it has to stay that way? The world of beverage lovers tends to be one that is clearly defined. People wither love coffee or tea.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can love both and take both. So for those who do, it’s usually coffee in the morning, and tea in the evening. Coffee to stimulate and energize you, tea to calm you down and soothe your nerves.

Now, how about a middle ground where you combine tea and coffee? This could potentially result in the perfect combination of energy and focus, but without the sleepy effects of tea or the irritable and anxious effects of coffee.

This is what Teagosa is offering in its Teagosa Cold Brew Coffee/Tea Blend.

What is Teagosa?

This is a new cold pressed blend of coffee and tea made with the sole intention of delivering all the benefits of both drinks and none of the side effects.

With Teagosa, you can actually have the best of both beverage worlds, resulting in that often elusive clean energy, focus and productivity that will keep you going all day, but without all the anxiousness of coffee or the drowsiness of tea.

When most people take coffee, they know and understand that its consumption usually comes with the often tolerated side effects of nervousness, irritability and jitteriness. But, that doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

Teagosa Cold Brew Coffee/Tea Blend is produced in a small two-person operation in British Columbia, Canada.

The founders created the product to serve those who want to be able to enjoy both their coffee and teas in one cup without worrying about optimal measurements and effects. The company produces the drinks in two forms:

  • Ground powder form that you can make like your regular coffee
  • Ready-to-go drinks in bottles that you can uncap and pour or drink as you please

Teagosa’s Ingredients and Flavors

Teagosa’s ingredients are just pure organic blends of coffee and tea measured out in optimal ratios. So, when you’re scooping a teaspoonful, you’re getting the specified ratios of coffee to tea.

Each bottle or bag comes pre-ground and pre-mixed so you can make it as easily as you would your coffee, or just open the bottle and drink away. The drinks comes in three distinct flavors:

  • Coffee and Jasmine Tea Flavor
  • Coffee and English Breakfast Tea Flavor
  • Coffee and Sencha Tea Flavor

With these three different flavors you can easily pick the flavor you like best. For those who would like even more flavors, the company is working on expanding its flavor range.

Is There Any Difference Between Teagosa and Regular Tea or Coffee?

Frankly, there is. Sure you can try to mix both your coffee and tea, but you would have to find the optimal mixture ratio to enjoy the real benefits and flavors that Teagosa offers.

Unfortunately, this takes time, practice and the requisite tea and coffee sources to get such rich coffee/tea blend. However, you can save yourself the trouble by picking up a few bags or bottles of this great tasting beverage and reap the rewards.

What Does Teagosa Do?

As you know, coffee helps with mental stimulation and energy, thus allowing you work harder, faster, and for longer hours. Unfortunately, this often results in a crash, which is why many people often have to drink more cups to stay awake and alert. Teagosa’s coffee/tea blend is designed to help you get the benefits of both tea and coffee.

Tea contains L-theanine and EGCG, two powerful cognition aids. When they are combined with the powerful effects of coffee’s caffeine, they balance each other out, resulting increased concentration and focus, better clean and calm energy, improved stamina, and enhanced work productivity.

Tea’s ingredients will help keep you in a relaxed but focused state, while the caffeine will help you stay in that state for far longer. They are the perfect combination for incredible productivity.

Other benefits of Teagosa include eliminating free radicals through its super powerful antioxidants, improving circulation and reducing body-wide inflammation.

Possible Side Effects of Taking Teagosa?

So far, there have been no known reports of any side effects. It’s possible that this is because the brand isn’t very popular yet. But, we didn’t find any after scouring various sources.

It may also be because it’s a new market entrant. If you do experience any side effects, feel free to let us know in the comments and we’ll update this review.

Where Can You Buy Teagosa and How Much Does it Cost?

Currently, the company only takes orders through its Kickstarter campaign. You can find the campaign at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1473621974/teagosa-the-worlds-1-coffee-blended-with-tea/description.

Please note that they are already 87% funded at the time of writing this review. So, if that doesn’t work, you can buy Teagosa Coffee/Tea Blend from their website at https://www.teagosa.com/.

You can also buy it in one of the forty grocery stores listed on their website. At this time, you can buy a 340g bag for $29 CAD, a combination of one 340g bag, one 16 oz. beverage, and one 4 oz. bottle for $50 CAD. Check out their Kickstarter campaign for even more prices.

The company promises to donate a percentage of the Kickstarter fundraising campaign proceeds to various charities. Please look this up on their Kickstarter campaign.

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