Pulse – Quality Pre-Workout For Increased Energy & Performance


Not just another Pre Workout. Pre workouts are typically all the same.

They promise more energy and only live up to this problem by mixing caffeine in with other pointless ingredients and charging you a hefty premium for the concoction.

Unbeknownst to you, there are other products available that actually do what a pre workout is supposed to.

Boost your energy and also your performance.

You see, getting more energy is one thing, but what about preventing fatigue? What about increasing workload? These are the things that are supposed to be aided by your pre workout people!

Worry not, for I have stumbled upon a product that will certainly do all of these things for you and more.

The name? Pulse

About Pulse

Want to take your workout to the next level?

Pulse is the way to do it.

This isn’t just a regular pre workout. I promise. I wouldn’t even waste your time if it was. Pulse isn’t just a powder that contains high levels of caffeine. It’s much much more than that.

Pulse is a pre-workout, made by the amazing company LegionAthletics, that contains clinically effective dosages of key ingredients that makes it a stand out in the pre-workout category.

Taking this pre-workout does a few major things; increases energy and blood flow, reduces fatigue, improves muscular endurance, and improves cognitive functioning.

Everything included in PULSE is included on the label. This makes for levels of transparency which aren’t matched by many competitors. No proprietary blends over here.

This stuff is so good that just 1/2 of a serving of the stuff contains double the effective ingredients of similar pre workout supplements on the market right now.


A quality product is only as good as it’s quality ingredients. And when it comes to the ingredients included in Pulse, no stone was left unturned.

Pulse is just top of the line because of all the research that went into it’s formulation.

Below you’ll find the ingredients listed as well as a description of what they’re used for..

Caffeine Anyhydrous

A pre workout wouldn’t be a pre-workout without caffeine. Virtually all of them contain this ingredient, so it’s not surprise that Pulse does as well.

I’ll spare you all of the benefits of this somewhat overused ingredient. But you should know that Pulse contains 350 MG of caffeine per serving.


Theanine is an amino acid that’s included in Pulse for it’s cognitive enhancement properties. This is only possible when theanine is used in concert with caffeine.

It has been shown to reduce physical and mental stress, increase nitric oxide levels, and improve alertness, focus, attention, memory, and mood.

Talk about a laundry list of benefits, eh?

Pulse contains 350 MG of Theanine per serving.

Citrulline Malate

Normally the ingredient L-arginine is used in place of Citrulline Malate in pre workout supplements. This is because most companies that make these type of products slack on their research.

If they did their due diligence they would discover that Citrulline Malate is absorbed better and causes higher plasma arginine levels than the alternative.

This supplement can help improve muscle endurance, relieve muscle soreness, and improve aerobic performance.

Pulse contains 8 grams of this ingredient per serving.


This ingredient plays a key role in the urea cycle. For those of you scratching your head in confusion right now, the urea cycle is the process that liver converts ammonia into the urea.

This is released from the body by way of urine and sweat. The urea cycle is a process that greatly impacts physical performance.

It can help reduce fatigue, promotes lipid oxidation, and increase growth hormone.

Pulse contains 2.2 grams of Ornithine per serving.


This naturally occurring amino acid prevents excess levels of carnosine in the muscles.

The benefits of this are reduced fatigue, improved anaerobic capacity, and increased workload.

Pulse contains 4.8 grams of Beta-Alanine per serving.


Most often found in beets, this compound can help improve muscle endurance, increase strength, and increase growth hormone levels.

Pulse contains 2.5 grams of Betaine per serving.

As you can see, not only does Pulse include highly researched and potent ingredients, but it also included the clinically effective dosages of each of these ingredients.


Ok, so I’m sure you now are absolutely certain that Pulse is the top pre workout supplement available to you.

If you’re not, reread the whole review from the beginning because you obviously missed something. Only read further once you’ve come to that conclusion.

Are you back? Cool. Now, where was I?

You’re probably thinking that a product with this much research, and quality may be amazing but also very, very expensive.

I thought the same. But you’re wrong.

Pulse only costs 39.95 per bottle. Yea, you read that right. 40 bucks for the best product on the market.

When comparing this price to similar products on the market it won’t take you long to realize that you’ve been tricked, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led-astray, etc.

In short, buying pulse will save you a lot of money and unneeded experimentation. Why not just start with the end goal?

Pulse Review Summary

Pulse in a next-level type of product.

Not only will it greatly improve your energy levels and performance in the gym, but it will save you a lot of money in the process.

Do yourself a favor and throw whatever you’ve been using up to this point in the trash. Pulse is the light, follow it.

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