PAGG Stack – ZestLife’s Safe Muscle Building Fat Loss Stack?


There are many supplements on the market today that promise to help you with fat loss, boosting your metabolism, and build your muscles.

We will be discussing a supplement today, called Zest Life PAGG Stack that does all of those functions and more.

What is PAGG Stack Supplement?

The PAGG Stack is a supplement that works with your body while you work out to burn fat, boost your metabolism, build muscle, and help keep you energized.

It is a great one-stop supplement for anyone who is trying to lose weight or build lean muscle mass.

How does the PAGG Stack Supplement work?

The PAGG Stack supplement has a proprietary blend of ingredients that were designed by Tim Ferriss of the “Four Hour Body.”

This formula was specially chosen for its efficacy and fast results. The secret of PAGG Stack is in its name: Policosanol, Alpha-lipoic Acid, Green Tea, and Garlic.

These ingredents are the secret to the success of the supplement, and are an amazing effective combo.

Policosanol is an ingredient that is added to PAGG Stack to increase blood circulation. This will ensure that your brain and your extremities will stay well oxygenated as you work out and build your muscle. This ingredient also contributes to a healthy cholesterol

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant ingredient. It is naturally occurring in broccoli, liver, yeast, and potatoes.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is naturally occurring in the body, but studies have shown that adding to this quantity can help support metabolism and energy production. As any other antioxidant, it can help protect the body from free radicals also.

Green Tea Flavanols (EGCG) is a weight loss vitamin. It inhibits the storing of extra carbohydrates in your fat cells, leaving you lean and toned.

This will also help empty the fat cells and metabolize the carbohydrates into lean muscle tissue. It is a known thermogenic that will melt away the fat while feeding your muscle tissue

Odorless Garlic is a known antioxidant that is generally used for cardiovascular health, circulation support, and immune system support.

It also has been found to help lower blood pressure and may help maintain healthy cholesterol.

Other benefits of the PAAG Stack Supplement include:

Because this product is a stack (mixture of many supplements), you can expect maximum efficacy from just one. You will see results quickly, and will be able to sculpt your body the way that you have always wanted to.

-Vegetarian and Vegan approved formula, so you can use PAGG Stack with whatever diet you choose

Who makes the PAGG Stack Supplement?

The PAGG Stack supplement is made by a company called Zest Life. It is based in the United Kingdom

PAGG Stack Supplement Pricing

The PAGG Stack is priced as follows:

  • 1 months’ supply is £47.45 plus shipping and handling
  • 2 months’ supply is £88.50 plus shipping and handling
  • 3 months’ supply is £118.95 plus shipping and handling

Should you buy the PAGG Stack Supplement?

If you are one of the thousands of people who is looking for help with their weight loss journey, PAGG Stack may be right for you.

It is a great supplement that will help you lose weight, build muscle, and up your energy, all in one amazing program.

PAGG stack may benefit you in your fitness goals. To find out more information you can view product information on their website.

PAGG Stack Final Review

You can view product information on PAGG Stack, read about the ingredients, read reviews on the product, and decide if the product is right for you directly on their website at

You can also place your order in 1, 2, or 3 month increments. The more PAGG Stack you purchase at a time, the better the pricing will be (you get a slight discount for ordering more then one month at a time)

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