Manufactured by NutriGold, this all-natural supplement offers adults a magnesium supplement made using plant based ingredients instead of laboratory made compounds. By utilizing natural ingredients, NutriGold Magnesium Gold offers a more bioavailable supplement helping ensure users get the best benefit from their supplements.
While magnesium is normally obtained through a healthy diet there is a large percentage of adults who are actually deficient which can cause osteoporosis and other bone conditions as well as heart issues. Please read below to learn more about Magnesium Gold and how to purchase a bottle.
What Is NutriGold Magnesium Gold?
Magnesium Gold offers consumers a vegan friendly option when it comes to magnesium supplementation that is made from plant sourced minerals not manufactured out of synthetic ingredients in a laboratory.
This product offers a highly bioavailable version of magnesium helping people who are low in this mineral naturally boost their body’s levels. By ensuring magnesium levels are normal users can help keep their bones strong and heart in good working order.
How Does NutriGold Magnesium Gold Work?
While many people get enough magnesium by eating a well-balanced diet many Americans are still deficient which can lead to a wide range of health conditions. Magnesium works within the body to support both heart and bone health as well as help regulate pH levels and calcium absorption.
A magnesium supplement may be useful for people who are deficient or who have medical conditions causing a deficiency or are taking medications that can cause magnesium levels to be affected.
Adults take three capsules per day to get a 100% daily recommended value of magnesium per day. NutriGold Magnesium Gold uses plant cellulose to make the capsules for this supplement making it both vegan and vegetarians friendly.
The magnesium used in this supplement by NutriGold is derived from hydrolyzed rice protein which is organically grown and gluten free. This hydrolyzed rice protein is more easily absorbed by the body increasing the bioavailability of this supplement. Many magnesium supplements use a chemically manufactured synthetic amino acid instead of magnesium sourced from plants.
Pricing For NutriGold Magnesium Gold
Both Amazon and an online company called Smallflower sale Magnesium Gold online. There is a significant price difference between Amazon and Smallflower with the latter offering a significant savings over Amazon and the normal retail price.
Currently is offering each 120 capsule bottle of Magnesium Gold for $14.99 whereas Amazon’s price per bottle is $49.99.
Should You Use NutriGold Magnesium Gold?
Adults may actually not realize they are deficient in magnesium until they have a medical conditions causing doctors to do further diagnosis. Magnesium Gold is a good option to consider for people who are either vegans and struggle to find whole food supplements or for people who need magnesium supplement but want to use a natural product.
NutriGold, the manufacturer of this supplement guarantees third party testing on all supplements and backs each product with a money back guarantee giving consumers not only peace of mind but also protection in case they are not happy with their purchase.