Nutrex Lipo 6 Black HERS – Real Weight Loss Support For Women?


Weight loss supplements have revolutionised the way many people approach weight loss, with the advancement in fitness related scientific research many experts have discovered that weight loss mechanics for men and women work a bit differently.

This means that the metabolism of women and men are attuned individually, causing fat deposition and elimination from different regions of our body to occur differently. Thus it is widely observable that, women tend to put on more weight in certain regions of their bodies while men only tend accumulate fat in the belly area.

Even in terms of supplementation, it has been found that certain foods and active agents respond more quickly in women than in men. These specialised ingredients have been found to target the lipid and triglyceride breakdown mechanisms in women's systems, allowing for the faster elimination of fat deposits and prevention of diseases like diabetes, hypertension.

About Nutrex Lipo 6 Black HERS

Lipo 6 is an all new thermogen that has been designed especially for women, it contains a wide variety of clinically proven substances that have been shown to increase the fat oxidation capacity of an individual. Apart from their potency, these ingredients have been shown to respond better in women's bodies, thus allowing for maximum weight loss benefits. Some of the key features of Lipo 6 include:

Unique Formula

The active agents that have been added to the blend have been clinically tested on women subjects, their efficacy has been tweaked in way that women can experience a boost in their fat oxidation and elimination capacities.


The many stimulants that are present in the mix allow users to access higher metabolic rates, through his increase in metabolic activity, users can heighten their overall fat elimination capacity as well as increase their stamina and endurance levels.


Lipo 6 has many nutrients that have been shown to help in the release of copious amounts of energy, this not only helps users get by their days with more vitality, but also allows for heavier workout output and overall strength generation.


Due to the presence of various highly potent stimulants in the mix, Lipo 6 is able to increase the overall alertness and focus of the user. This is done by slightly altering the neuropathology of an individual, which allows for smoother neural information exchange.

Appetite Control

There are various suppressants in Lipo 6 which can help users control their incessant urges to eat. These compounds prohibit certain signals of hunger which are relayed constantly even after one has had a heavy meal. This results in low overall caloric intake which over a long duration can result in substantial weight loss.

Key Components

The main active agents which make Lipo 6 so potent include:

Advantra Z

This potent blend has clinically validated through many scientific studies, it is known for its ability to target the working of our internal system. Through this tweaking users can enhance almost all of their inner capacities including energy production, metabolic working, hormone production, enzyme secretion.


This plant extract is obtained from the yohimbe tree which is widely cultivated and used in Asia. It is known to help in increasing mental functionality by providing benefits like increased focus, enhanced concentration, decreased dullness, sharpened acuity and elevated mood states.

Customer Opinions

There are many positive reviews regarding Lipo-6 available online, based on a weighted average of over 40 user submitted reviews the supplement received an average rating of 4.5/5 stars.

Some satisfied users include Dee R. who says “I take 3 pills, 30 min before eating in the morning and 3 more in the afternoon. It gives me a great energy boost to train and allows me in my quest to lose weight.”

Similarly, Judy G says “I bought this product to help me lose weight, however the best thing I have found out about this product is that it has helped balance my thyroid. I have Hashimoto thyroiditis and the Doctors have a hard time managing my thyroid with medication (the alway are changing the dosage).

Since I have been taking Lipo 6, my thyroid levels have stabilised and the doctors are amazed at how they are not changing fluctuating anymore. Thus they have stopped my regular medication and i no longer get headaches or feel tired, I feel like i have a normal life again.”

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black HERS Pricing and Availability

Lipo-6 comes in small black bottles which contain 120 soft gel capsules, each unit is priced at $54.95 but upon a purchase of 2 bottles, users can obtain the 3rd bottle absolutely free.

In terms of dosage, 3-6 capsules should be consumed daily, depending upon the effects received by the user.

The easiest way of making a purchase is either by locating the product on an online shopping store like ebay or amazon, or one can use official company website which offers individuals with a host of discount laden deals.

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