MTS Nutrition Aqua Shed – Natural Diuretic Water Control Support?


Aqua Shed by MTS Nutrition is an all-natural diuretic, which means that it could significantly reduce the user’s water weight amount, which can then burn away stubborn fat on various parts of the body.

Features of Aqua Shed by MTS Nutrition

MTS Nutrition Aqua Shed is a vegan-friendly water-balance formula that contains scientifically dosed amounts of natural and man made ingredients. The result of taking Aqua Shed is that it could help the user’s body to expel excess extracellular water so that its users can get the best look ever.

What Ingredients Are Used in MTS Nutrition’s Aqua Shed?

Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Potassium

Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Potassium work in the user’s body to help avoid any imbalance of cramping. The imbalance of water in one’s system is a known cause of a variety of health conditions that can rage from cardiovascular failure through to obesity.

Danedlion Root Extract

Danedlion Root Extract helps to enhance the amount of urine that the body uses when one visits the bathroom. As a mild diuretic, the root can help detoxify the user’s major organs such as kidneys and liver. Dandelion is also a potassium sparing, which means that it can also alleviate the feelings of camping that can come with an overuse of water retention.

Dandelion Root Extract is also one of the oldest ingredients that are used in Aqua Shed’s formulation, as it has been used for generations, long before the advent of supplements and clinical medicines that we see and use today.

Arctostaphylos Leaf Extract

Arctostaphylos Leaf Extract is another natural diuretic that can also help to treat dangerous urinary tract infections by cleaning the urine that the user expels. UTIs (urinary tract infections) can be particularly dangerous for one’s long-term health if they go untreated, which may come as a result of prostate-related problems such as having an enlarged prostate.

Common symptoms that the Actostaphylos root can help with are: pain during urination, frequent bathroom breaks, nocturnal emissions, and many others.

Golden Rod

Golden Rod can help reduce the sensations of pain and swelling. Also, Goldenrod may help with the treating muscle spasms and other difficult conditions that prevent the user from using the bathroom normally.

Junper Berry

Junper Berry is a plant that comes loaded with antioxidants that have antibacterial properties. Antioxidants are powerful compounds that protect the body against sickness, disease and free radicals. These unwanted pathogens are destroyed naturally by the body’s defense systems, and they are naturally complemented with a powerful antioxidant such as Junper Berry.

Buchu Leaf

Buchu Leaf is used as a herbal medicine to help defeat urinary infections and is another diuretic.


BladderWrack helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and also improves digestion. The health of one’s thyroid controls many different bodily functions that can range from the hormone levels through to sexual function.

A unhealthy thyroid can make make patients feel tired and fatigued, and may reduce their interest in sexual activity. There is also some evidence to suggest that one’s thyroid can also lead to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, thus making it important to take care of this important gland.

MTS Nutrition Aqua Shed Summary

MTS Nutrition Aqua Shed helps the user lose weight by reducing the amount of water that they hold in their bodies. The net result is that one may support their urinary system whilst losing weight at the same time. Although there is an apparent lack of reviews and testimonials that one can read about the product online, MTS has been in the supplement industry for a considerable amount of time.

More information can be read about Aqua Shed on the company’s website, including the full ingredient listing and the directions for use.

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