Mighty Organic – Organic Grassfed Beef Snacks Worth Trying?


Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder, a fitness enthusiast, or simply trying to maintain a balanced dietary intake, protein is a critical part of any diet. The average person requires about 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight, or about 56 grams of protein per day to stay healthy. With the busy nature of the modern lifestyle, keeping on top of your dietary intake can be difficult, especially with prevalence of unhealthy and over processed snack food devoid of any nutritious value.

Mighty Organic is an manufacturer of natural beef products that function as healthy, tasty and organic protein sources. Offering both protein bars and beef jerky, Mighty Organic uses 100% organic beef in the creation of their products, free from pesticides, GMO products, synthetic hormones or antibiotics.

Offering time poor health and fitness enthusiasts a way to boost their daily protein intake without having to resort to unhealthy fast food, Mighty Organic is a healthy and delicious alternative to sugar rich protein bars.

The Mighty Organic Story

Mighty Organic Snacks was founded in response to public outcry against the prevalence of “mystery meat” in protein and meat snacks. Often created from the scraps and shredded waste product of the meat industry and subject to many different transformative chemical processes, mystery meat like the type that is used in hot dogs and cheap jerky is full of unhealthy chemicals and synthetic additives.

Mighty Organic use only 100% grass fed, organic cattle raised in Queensland, Australia for the raw materials used in their product range. Working closely with small-produce organic certified farms, Mighty Organic is a farmer-owned cooperative that has been creating high quality and eco friendly beef products for over 20 years.

The temperature and climate in Australia rarely drop below freezing, making it an ideal place to keep cows in pasture all year round, which when combined with the agricultural economy of Australia and the economic stability of the cattle industry has given Australia a world-leading reputation in the manufacture of beef products.

The apples, cranberries, sunflower seeds and other ingredients used in the manufacture of Mighty Organic products are also sourced from small eco-friendly farmers, ensuring Mighty Organic products offer great taste with the least environmental impact possible.

The beef used in the creation of Mighty Organic products is free from synthetic hormones and GMO’s, ensuring that it meets the high standards of annual third-party organic inspection.

The Mighty Organic Beef Bar

The Mighty Organic Mighty Beef Bar is the most popular product in the Mighty Organic range. Available in three flavours- Uncured Bacon & Apple, Cranberry & Sunflower Seed and Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, the Mighty Organic Beef Bar offers a convenient, delicious and healthy way to boost your dietary protein intake and energy levels without compromising your health.

Formulated from real products and containing no synthetic additives or mystery meat, Mighty Organic Beef Bars are straightforward and honest in their recipe. Each 28 gram bar contains a massive 8 grams of lean natural protein and 70 calories, 40 of which are from natural fats, creating an excellent balance of energy and fat for bodybuilders. The low glycemic composition of Mighty Organic Beef Bars provides slow burning energy throughout the day and offers a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and CLA, as well as a high amount of dietary iron, with no nitrates or added sugar apart from a small amount of natural honey as sweetener.

Mighty Organic Beef Jerky

Beef Jerky is traditionally an unhealthy snack, full of sugar and salt. Mighty Organic Beef Jerky is a completely natural and healthy alternative, handcrafted in Minnesota with just six ingredients. Using just air-dried grass fed beef, organic honey, sea salt, organic spices, organic garlic powder and cultured celery powder, Mighty Organic offer a lean, paleo-friendly snack with absolutely no added preservatives, just traditional, delicious beef jerky.

Each 28 gram serving of Mighty Organic Beef Jerky contains 12 grams of protein, almost 20% of the daily recommended intake, as well as iron, 15 grams of natural fat, and Omega-3 fatty acid. With just 3 grams of sugar per serving, Mighty Organic Beef Jerky is a highly natural and healthy way to boost your dietary intake during a long working day, workout session, or even a long camping trip or hike.

The Verdict

If you’re looking for a highly nutritious and organic health snack that will provide an energy boost without risking your health, Mighty Organic provide one of the best beef snacks available on the market. Mighty Organic products are available from retailers across the United States such as 711, Sprouts Farmers Markets and more.

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