Masszymes – Bioptimizers Advanced Enzyme Formula?


Bioptimizers Masszymes is a nutritional supplement that uses enzymes to boost protein absorption within your body. Find out how this supplement works today in our review.

What is Bioptimizers Masszymes?

You might be consuming 30 grams or 300 grams of protein every day – but unless you have the right enzymes in your digestive tract, your body can’t process this protein.

That’s where the Bioptimizers Masszymes supplement comes in.

Bioptimizers Masszymes is a nutritional supplement you take to support a protein-rich diet. It’s a supplement that many people didn’t realize they needed.

Why Take Bioptimizers Masszymes?

You’ve probably heard that a protein-rich diet can be hard on your body. It’s true: your body has to work hard to digest protein.

You need to use a lot of enzymes to digest protein. That’s where Bioptimizers Masszymes wants to help: it provides your body with the enzymes it needs to digest protein.

This has two main benefits:

  • Eating a protein-rich diet will be easier on your body
  • You’ll get more value from the protein you’re already eating

When you don’t have enzymes to digest protein, that protein just passes through your body. You don’t extract the maximum nutritional value from that protein.

As we mentioned at the top of our review, it doesn’t matter whether you’re eating 30 or 300 grams of protein: without the right enzymes, you’re not getting nutritional value.

The makers of Masszymes, Bioptimizers, claim that “you’re lucky if you’re absorbing 40% of the protein from your food.” Most of us simply don’t have enough enzymes to absorb protein from every gram we eat.

That’s a big problem for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. You may think you’re taking a scoop of protein powder containing 25g of pure protein.

But in reality, your body might only be absorbing 10g of that. That’s a problem if you’re trying to track your macronutrient intake.

How Does Bioptimizers Masszymes Work?

Masszymes is an enzyme formula that contains various protease strains. These protease strains work at different pH levels to ensure that the protein gets broken down in your digestive tract.

Down below, in the ingredients section, you’ll see each of these protease strains listed.

When proteins get broken down, they turn into amino acids. Amino acids can be used throughout your body for fuel and muscle growth.

The more cooked food you eat, the worse your protein absorption gets.

If you get most of your protein from fish, meat, and eggs, for example, then your body has to withdraw more enzymes from its “enzyme bank account” in order to properly digest the meal.

Eventually, your enzyme bank account is overdrawn, and your protein absorption plummets. Here’ show Bioptimizers describes the end result:

“The enzymes get drained faster and faster… leading to digestive nightmares. All this undigested protein leads to a disgusting caked up intestinal tract that blocks amino acid absorption.”

Bioptimizers actually posted a video on their website of their enzymes turning beef into a pile of amino acids.

They place a chunk of meat in a glass of water, then put meat in a glass of water mixed with Bioptimizers Masszymes. The meat gets broken down before your eyes (in a timelapse video).

By the end of the video, you can see that the ingredients in Masszymes have literally turned the chunk of meat into smaller and smaller chunks. You can see why this would make it easier for your body to digest.

Obviously, Masszymes isn’t the first digestive health supplement marketed towards bodybuilders.

There are other enzyme blends and digestive supplements available today. Let’s take a look at the ingredients list to find out what makes Bioptimizers Masszymes different.

Bioptimizers Masszymes Ingredients

How does Masszymes actually digest the meat you eat? It does so using a range of different enzyme formulations, including all of the following ingredients and dosages in each capsule:

-Total Protease: 170,000 HUT (20,000 HUT Protease 6.0, 140,000 HUT Protease 4.5, 120 SAPU Protease 3.0, and 10,000 HUT Peptidase)

-2,000,000 FCCPU of Bromelain

-650 DP of Diastase

-850 SU of Invertase

-2,000 ALU of Lactase

-300 GaIU of Alpha-galactosidase Amylase

-20 AGU of Glucoamalyase

-2,000 FIP of Lipase

-250 capsules per bottle

-$0.20 to $0.28 cost per capsule

You might not recognize most of the ingredients. However, they’re all digestive enzymes used by your body to break down different types of food. Lactase, for example, is one enzyme you may have heard of.

It’s the enzyme your body uses to break down milk and other dairy products. Protease is specially designed to handle protein – which is why there’s a particularly strong dosage of Protease in Bioptimizers Masszymes.

Bioptimizers Masszymes Pricing

Bioptimizers Masszymes is priced at $89.95 from There are 250 capsules in each bottle, and you take 3 capsules with each daily serving. That adds up to 83 servings per container.

Bioptimizers recently launched a special offer online where you can get discounted pricing on Masszymes, including discount deals for buying the supplement in bulk. Here’s how pricing breaks down when ordered through that sales page:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $7.75 shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 + $7.75 shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $297 + Free shipping (to the United States)

If you’re shipping to Canada, you’ll pay an extra $25 USD for shipping. Shipping worldwide costs an extra $39 (this is a flat rate regardless of the number of bottles you’re purchasing.

About Bioptimizers

Bioptimizers describes itself as a maker of “health & performance optimizers”. In addition to selling a range of athletic supplements, the company sells guides like “The Bioptimization Blueprint: 3 Steps for Becoming a Biologically Optimized Human Being.”

Popular supplements sold by the company include Masszymes, P3-OM Probiotics, and Primergen.

Bioptimizers also does business under the name Masszymes, Inc. The company’s contact page lists three separate addresses, including a third party fulfillment center in Centennial, Colorado (listed as owned by EyeFive, Inc.), along with a mailing address in Miami and another in Panama City.

The Centennial, Colorado address is one we’ve seen associated with several nutritional supplement manufacturers in the past.

It’s the address of a fulfilment center – which is basically a company that sells other supplements for companies to slap their own label on and sell.

Based on this information, it’s unclear if Bioptimizers actually makes its own supplements – or if they’re made by third parties.

In any case, you can contact the company by phone at 1-800-719-2467 or by email form online. The website also features pop-up chat-boxes you can use to instantly communicate with a Bioptimizers staff member.

Bioptimizers Masszymes Review Summary

A protein-rich diet can be hard on your body. Bioptimizers Masszymes promises to take some of the stress off your digestive tract by loading it with all the right enzymes.

The supplement contains a hefty dose of Protease along with other valuable enzymes like lactase.

Overall, these enzymes should help optimize your digestive tract, support a protein-rich diet, and make sure you’re getting the maximum nutritional value from your supplement and diet.

That being said, Bioptimizers Masszymes is higher-priced than many of its competitors online.

Yes, Masszymes has more Protease than most other digestive supplements, but it’s unclear if that actually translates into better digestion – or if it’s just overkill.

If you’re interested in enzyme-based digestive health supplements, then it’s a good idea to research supplements beforehand.

Other competitors to Bioptimizers Masszymes include Enzymedica Digest Basic, ONNIT DigesTech, Udo’s Choice Enzyme Blend, GNC Natural Brand, and Now Super Enzymes.

If you’re looking purely at dosages, however, then Bioptimizers Masszymes beats out almost all of its competitors in all of the enzyme categories. It’s also well-reviewed online according to most customer reviews we could find.

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