Magic Pills – Ananda More’s Promise Or Placebo Medical Movie?


With all of the statistical figures that are being released in relation to individuals with health issues (from cancer to obesity), it is becoming increasingly clear that our ‘current medical system is broken’.

The sole focus of our pharmaceutical industry these days seems to be on profits, rather than promoting wellness and improving health standards of impoverished individuals all over the world. For example, there are many chronic illnesses that conventional medicinal forms fail to address, and many of them cause side effects which can later compound into issues in their own right.

This is where Homeopathy comes in. Homeopathy is an alternative treatment means that can be used to cure a wide variety of ailments. Since its production does not require the use of highly specialized ingredients, it is cheap and its products can be manufactured quite easily. From a clinical perspective, homeopathic medicines have been used to treat everything from Cancer to AIDS and even to prevent disease with very compelling results.

Within the past 20 years or so there has been an ever increasing ‘body of evidence’ in terms of scientific literature that supports the claims that have been laid out by 200 years of clinical homeopathic experience. However, due to falsified claims and data concealment, a lot of these figures have falsely ridiculed by a system that is ‘afraid of alternatives’

About Magic Pills

Magic Pills is an all new ‘educational film’ that highlights the use and role of homeopathic treatment options in today’s medical market. According to the filmmakers, they pursued this project in order to ‘shine a light on the scientists, doctors, and health practitioners whose work has been hidden from the public, wrongfully discredited and silenced in the name of skepticism and public protection.’

In its essence, Magic Pills examines the large scale use of homeopathy in disease prevention, cancer treatment and AIDS/HIV. However, in order to present a strong case for itself, the data being presented in the movie has been backed by compelling scientific research and evidence. The filmmakers aim to work towards promoting the idea that homeopathy is not only plausible, but also effective and affordable in the modern world.

About The Filmmaker

The movie is the brainchild of filmmaker and homeopath Ananda More (Hom, DHMHS) who in 2016 decided to explore various multiple media campaigns against homeopathy and why the use of homeopathic preparations was frowned upon by the public at large. During her quest to find reasonable answers, she was propelled her to travel the world and ‘uncover whether homeopathy is truly science-based and effective or a mere placebo that endangers lives’.

In the course of her travels, Dr Ananda met with various high profile, esteemed ‘scientists, skeptics, practitioners and patients’ who in some way had been associated with homeopathy during the course of their lives.

Through the various sections in the film, users will see how Ananda unravels the high drama and intrigue that envelops homeopathy today. According to modern day science, homeopathy has been looked down upon because its base is considered highly pragmatic, and cannot be empirically verified.

This however is not completely true and due to certain cultural/ personal biases, ‘homeopathy (over the decades) has not been granted the same latitudes of research as many other forms of treatment’. Instead, the practice has been subjected to various attacks, which seems to disregard an ‘ever-growing volume of compelling medical data’.

Other Important Aspects Of The Film

  • Homeopathy in relation to Cancer Research: During the course of the movie, users will see how Dr Ananda explores the many medical avenues in which ‘homeopathy is being used to treat cancer in countries like India’.
  • African Disease Assessment: the filmmaker also makes a strong case in support of various antiretroviral medication for HIV/AIDS that are not able to reach various countries in Africa due to certain pharmaceutical companies.
  • Science Talk: In the movie, there are many interviews that Dr Ananda conducts with a wide variety of high profile scientists at many esteemed universities and laboratories. Through the performance of cutting edge experiments, Ananda aims to prove that homeopathy has not been given its due share of recognition

Conventional Fallacies Addressed In The Movie

As one watches Magic Pills, one thing that starts to become certain is the fact that many homeopaths who have continued to work on cures over the years have not been given their fair share of recognition. Viewers will see many homeopathic treatment modes that are are now available, and how these options ‘may offer a deep acting and gentle alternative in contrast to conventional medicine, which often focuses on toxic treatments that can have irreversible or life threatening side effects’.

Magic Pills Review Summary

The movie finally concludes in ‘homeopathy-friendly Switzerland’ where Ananda reveals how how due to biases in the pharmaceutical market, many people who could have had access to these medicines are being denied access to these options.

The film is available for download or streaming through the online webpage of the film. Users can choose to get in touch with the filmmaker through the information provided in the official's contact us page’.

For all other details, users can visit the official Magic Pills page and address their concerns.(

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