Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour – Paleo Protein Blend?


100% Cricket Powder Flour

We might be asking you to think outside the box a little bit, but with good reason. Cricket powder flour – why would anyone want to eat crickets? What if we asked you to consider that you probably already consume bugs on a regular basis without realizing it.

Because, many things we consume daily (not to mention in restaurants) contain bugs of some sort. And, not on purpose, but bugs find their way into things we eat often. This isn’t a bad thing.

Cricket powder, that we will share here – has plenty of benefits in it compared to regular flour. And in this case, you know what you are getting. Unlike that cup of rice, you made for dinner that had potentially three (3) bugs in it that you didn’t know about!

These facts are not meant to gross you out – although it probably has, North America is just late to the game. Insects and other bugs are found to be a delicacy is a of countries already. So, let’s clear up why this is a good thing – and why cricket powder is a great addition.

Benefits of Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour

Did you know that crickets contain more iron than spinach and more calcium than milk? In fact, contains double the protein found in beef and more Vitamin B12 than salmon or beef. One of the biggest claims? 9 times more Omega’s than wild salmon. When calling them nutritious – those are the facts.

Are crickets sustainable? Absolutely! They grow 12 times faster, drink 2000 times less water and consume 12 times less feed. In addition, they emit 100 times less greenhouse gases and require 2000 times less land. (these stats were compared to beef by the way)

Crickets are jam packed with goodness – because the list goes on. They are higher in several categories of amino acids like Threonine and Leucine to name a couple. And, concerned about bioavailability? Far more in crickets – they were even deemed more nutritious, are more soluble and have better uptake than from beef or wheat.

Now, this last point might feel silly but, crickets are considered a whole food. When adding them to the fantastic pancake recipe found on their site to order – you are contributing a whole food through using this Lithic Nutrition Cricket Powder and will reap the benefits as far as nutrition goes.

What Do Crickets And Lobsters Have In Common?

Aside from their appearance? Not much. Because you see, once people got over the appearance of lobsters and tasted the delicious buttery meat found inside their shell, they quickly rose to the top of menus from dish availability and cost.

The same can be said about crickets. Sure, they are ugly – they’re bugs! But, they contain so much nutritious value and to some degree, virtually tasteless, that once you get over the appearance your body will thank you.

On this note, because crickets and lobsters are similar, if you have an allergy to shellfish, crickets may not be the right option for you as the allergy could be the same.

Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour “Ingredients”

The crickets delivered in Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour, are fed a diet of 100% vegetables and vegetable based meals like; rice, sunflower meal, coconut, rice bran, etc. without the use of GMO’s. The way in which they are harvested is humane and they are pasteurized before being roasted, dehydrated and made into a flour.

How To Order Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour

Lithic Nutrition 100% Cricket Powder Flour is available for purchase on Amazon for only $29.99 plus $5.03 in shipping. Don’t forget to check out the recipe while you are there to order!

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