Lindora Review – The Comprehensive Weight Loss System For All


 There is no shortage of weight loss products available to consumers today. From diet pills, to exercise equipment and protein shakes. The sheer amount of choices available can be overwhelming.

In addition to the amount of products, some dieters are left wondering if their products will really work, and remain in the dark about the other factors in losing weight such nutrition and exercise.

This is where Lindora has a point of difference for the overwhelm that consumers face. Lindora is a personalized weight loss system that is designed for the individual over a ten week period.

This system could make the difference between losing weight and keeping the pounds on for many people.

What Is Lindora?

Lindora claims that it is a ‘personalized weight-loss program’ for people of all ages and body types. Lindora was founded by Marshall Stamper, a registered medical doctor. Lindora was founded in 1971 with their first branch opening in Newport Beach, California.

Customers of Lindora receive a personalized service from their team of team of nutritionists and personal trainers and includes menu plans and a maintenance phase. Users can visit Lindora’s website to find the closest clinic, or they can opt to take the course online.

With the 10-week purchase one receives 5 coaching sessions, behavioral training, the Lean for Life book, a box of protein bars, and lifetime access to diet tools.

What is Included?

The Lindora diet is a fully customizable plan that offers many different options for users looking to weight. The type of program that will be recommended to the user is determined by the user’s needs.

Lindora offers fitness plans, diet menus, and clinic meetings that are highly personalized. This makes Lindora a unique experience for every customer. Residents in Southern California can get one-on-one training to create a healthier lifestyle. People that live outside of California can also attend their Lean for Life online programs.

With both the in person and online options, the client will receive personal attention from a registered medical professional. The system starts from the beginning, evaluating one’s current eating and fitness habits. There is an understanding that each person’s situation is unique, with varying goals and athletic abilities.

The objective of their weight loss program is to encourage weight loss and the development of lean muscle mass. The fitness exercises are complimented with a nutrition guide. The user is taught recipes that they can shop for on their own. Lindora also supplies recommended supplements of snacks, soups and other items that are healthy and designed to beat cravings.

How Much Does Lindora Cost?

It is important to note there is a range of prices one could expect to pay with Lindora. There is not a fixed cost, but there is surely a minimum one could expect to spend.

The price of Lindora is somewhere between $500 and $1,200 for their ten week course. This may not seem affordable for some people, but keep in mind that Lindora offers a complete fitness and nutrition solution. It’s possible that one could pay far more in supplements, pills and protein shakes and still not reach their goals.

Some reviewers that have tried Lindora’s have mentioned that the system is expensive, and should only be taken by someone serious about losing weight.

One customer commented, “This is a lifetime solution to losing weight. It is not a short term fix. It’s still important to exercise and eat right while on Lindora.”

Another reviewer stated: “Get ready to spend some cash. This is not cheap.”

According to the reviews online, price was not a concern for everyone. One user said, “The cost is a bit on the high side, but the reward is definitely worth it.”

What are Customers Saying About Lindora?

There were both good and bad reviews about Lindora. The most common complaints stemmed from the feelings of hunger that some users of Lindora experienced.

One customer mentioned, “Lindora caused me cravings. I am hungry all the time and this is unusual. Because I’m hungry I’m irritable. I am so hungry that I can’t sleep. And the products that Lindora sells don’t seem to work for me.”

However, not all the reviews online were negative. There were some that sung the praises of Lindora. Unsurprisingly, the people who reported the most success with the system were able to stick with it, and followed the the program to the T.

One customer said, “Lindora has helped me change my lifestyle. I feel far more active and healthy.”

Another reviewer said about the system, “I feel great. I have more energy and I am more than satisfied with the program.”

It could be concerning for some to know that others have struggled and failed using Lindora. On the other hand, success or failure of a given exercise program or regime can largely be determined by the user’s point of view and expectations of success.

As seen in the above reviews, the customers that stuck to Lindora’s program saw results, while others did not. It is not obvious if Lindora will work for everyone in every situation, which is why products such as Lindora often come with money back guarantees and free trials.

Is Lindora Supported by Science?

The official Lindora website does provide users with some research on obesity and weight loss. While some of the evidence that Lindora provides on their website is valid, the science is generally well known and usually comes down to common sense. A diet with less carbohydrates can lead to weight loss, regular fitness and vitamins are important, stay away from fatty foods and sugars etc.

In addition to the above, there is a lack of clinical evidence provided about the Lindora system itself. There have been no independent studies or clinical trials undertaken to verify the claims made by the company.

The Bottom Line – Does Lindora Work?

There is enough evidence to say that Lindora could work for consumers who are serious about losing weight. However, negative reviews and lack of scientific research of Lindora could be seen as red flags for some.

An important consideration should be made about Lindora’s service area. It is clear that Lindora’s weight loss programs are targeted towards dieters living in California. There are no other weight loss centres in other parts of America. People that live outside of California will have to go with the online option, which could be an inconvenience for some people.

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