Jedwards International – Oils, Nuts And A Whole Lot More!


Jedwards International Review

Jedwards International is the maker of a variety of wholesome ingredients that help to make each dish healthier and more nutritious. This is our review.

What is Jedwards International?

When you prepare nutritional meals for your family, you always consider the ingredients going into the dishes you make. The average products normally have a wealth of artificial chemicals or preservatives, which are toxics to the health of your family. To provide your family with healthy, all-natural, and organic dishes, turn to the products available with Jedwards International.

Jedwards is a company that is steeped in its 70-year traditions of processing and refining each ingredient to meet the nutritional needs of consumers. Basically, they’ve established themselves as a prominent bulk supplier of natural ingredients, working with many manufacturers around the world.

Types of Products

The main perk of Jedwards International is the wide variety of products. All of the products available come as either all-natural or organic ingredients. Make sure to check to see which kind of product you are getting at the time. From oils and butters to soap making kits, Jedwards seems to have every base covered.


Oils are able to meet a variety of needs in the food and beauty industries. Jedwards focuses on three types of oils that you can either mix in with recipes or use as skincare treatments. The available oils are:

  • Plant oils
    • For consumption or skincare use
  • Marine oils
    • For consumption
  • Fragrance oils
    • For aromatherapy and skincare use

Butter & Wax

There is very little information given about the different butters and waxes offered by Jedwards. However, they do have both natural and organic versions of the recipes they do sell.

Chocolate & Cocoa

No selection of ingredients would be complete without chocolate and cocoa. These two ingredients make up a wide variety of products that consumers by every single month. However, the ingredients available here let you make these delicious goodies at home.

All of the cocoa ingredients listed come specifically from the cocoa tree, which yield a pod that has up to 60 cocoa beans. Once removed, the seeds are able to be processed into a variety of food products. Here’s the different food products that Jedwards offers with chocolate and cocoa:

  • Cocoa butter
  • Cocoa powder
  • Cocoa liquor and cocoa nibs
  • Chocolate

Extracts, Salts, and Sweeteners

Basically, this category has everything you need to make any dish taste drool-worthy. The main focus of this category seems to be on the extracts. Extracts are made by removing the raw material of the ingredient, which usually forms a liquid or a powder, but with a highly concentrated amount of flavor. Extracts are used in many different industries, not just the food industry.

Jedwards offers natural and organic ingredients, depending on the preference of the consumer. Here’s a listing of the different ingredients you can find with Jedwards:

  • Extracts
    • Citric Acid
    • Menthol Crystals
    • Rosemary Extract
    • Soy Lecithin
    • Sunflower Lecithin
    • Vanilla Extract
    • Natural Antioxidants (Tocopherols, Tocotrienols and Vitamin E)
  • Powders
    • Aloe Vera Powder
    • Soy Lecithin Powder
  • Salts and Minerals
    • Dead Sea Salt
    • Dead Sea Bath Salt
    • Magnesium Chloride
    • Himalayan Sea Salt
  • Sweeteners
    • Organic Agave Nectar
    • Organic Sugar
    • Organic Honey
    • Clover Honey
    • Wildflower Honey
    • Organic Coconut Sugar


The oleochemicals offered by Jedwards International all come from the raw materials of plants and animals. Basically, these recipes are made from dividing up natural oils. This category offers both the oils and products that involve the use of the oils. At this time, Jedwards carries:

  • Citric Acid
  • Glycerin
  • Lauric Acid
  • MCT Oil
  • Oleic Acid
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Squalane Oil
  • Stearic Acid

Soap & Candle Making

The company also offers non-food items. This category contains two different kits, with one for soap making and one for candle making. By learning these trades at home, you can save money each month on your soap and candles.

Contacting Jedwards International

If you want to speak with a representative about the products or the company, the Jedwards website has a fill-in form that you can submit for an emailed reply. However, if your questions are of a more urgent nature, you can call (617)472-9300 on weekdays from 9:00am to 6:00pm EST.


It’s likely that you already consume a lot of food products made from the formulas at Jedwards. As a consumer, you need to be aware of every ingredient that goes into your body. That starts with using natural food products. To get a full listing of the hundreds of products on the website, you will need to select the specific ingredient you are looking for. The pricing will only be revealed if you call the company to pursue an order. It seems that the company mostly markets to manufacturers, since all of the ingredients are available in bulk.

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