IgniteMaxx Review
IgniteMaxx is a new diet pill that promises to help you burn 600 extra calories per day. Here’s our IgniteMaxx review.
What is EPX Body IgniteMaxx?
IgniteMaxx is a diet pill that promises to help induce thermogenesis within your body.
Thermogenesis, for those who don’t know, is the process of heating your body up to encourage your fat cells to burn away fat – even when you’re not currently working out.
The manufacturer of IgniteMaxx claims that the key ingredient in the formula is Capsimax. It’s a trademarked formula that contains capsaicin extract, which is a chemical compound found in chili peppers.
However, a quick look at the ingredients list shows that IgniteMaxx also contains a whopping 200mg of caffeine, which is the same amount of caffeine as 2.5 cans of Red Bull or 2.5 cups of coffee.
Other promised benefits of IgniteMaxx include:
— Support Healthy Metabolism And Fat Burning
— Manage Appetite Naturally
The supplement claims to be made from 100% natural ingredients and also says that it’s made in the USA. We’re going to evaluate those claims today and help you decide whether or not IgniteMaxx works for you.
How Does IgniteMaxx Work?
IgniteMaxx uses ingredients like Capsimax mixed with other trendy diet pill ingredients.
More importantly, there’s also 200mg of in each 1 tablet serving of IgniteMaxx. That caffeine appears to be synthetic caffeine and is not derived from any natural ingredient.
Green tea leaf extract, for example, is also listed on the ingredients label and typically contains trace amounts of caffeine, but it certainly contains nowhere close to 200mg of caffeine. So clearly, the manufacturer has added some amount of synthetic caffeine to the formula.
The formula as a whole is rather small, weighing in at just 825mcg, which works out to 0.825mg in each tablet.
Despite the fact that the formula lists only 825mcg of ingredients, there’s somehow 200mg of caffeine in the formula. So clearly, the ingredient list on this supplement is misleading (whether or not it’s deliberately misleading you or if it’s a genuine error, we can’t say).
The idea behind IgniteMaxx is that you can take a blend of caffeine and pepper extract to heat up your body and lose weight. All of these stimulants and energy-boosting compounds force your fat cells to melt away – or at least, that’s the idea. Next, we’ll learn if that claim lives up to scientific testing.
Scientific Evidence for IgniteMaxx
IgniteMaxx cites just one clinical study to back up its claims. In this clinical study, the Capsimax formula was shown to help students burn 278 more total calories before, during, and after exercise compared to a placebo.
That study is a legitimate study that was published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition back in 2009. You can view the study at PudMed.gov here.
Unfortunately, there are some major problems with that study being used as evidence to support IgniteMaxx.
First, the study used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. That’s good.
The testing involved 20 healthy men, each of whom were relatively active, but none of whom were described as “competitive athletes”.
In fitness testing, these participants received a thermogenic pepper blend (TPB) that contained 200mg of caffeine along with 33.34mg of capsicum extract, 20mg of niacin, and 5mp of bioperine. The placebo, on the other hand, contained a mix of calcium carbonate, cellulose, stearic acid, and magnesium stearate.
Researchers never call this formula “IgniteMaxx” or “Capsimax”.
After testing, researchers concluded that the group that took the active ingredient did not improve their scores for either of the two exercises they performed. They burned slightly more calories on average, but not a significant amount. Researchers eventually said that,
“Although these findings are useful for understanding the TPB supplement, future studies should consider these factors when designing studies to examine the efficacy of metabolic/thermogenic nutritional supplements.”
“These factors” included things like a low dose of caffeine and exercise intensity that was too high.
The important thing to get from this study is that it didn’t lead to significantly higher calorie burning. The creators of IgniteMaxx literally just cited a study and made up a benefit that says participants burned “278 more calories”. Maybe they were hoping you weren’t going to check the scientific citation.
Even weirder is that the manufacturer of IgniteMaxx also claims that the supplement can help you burn up to 600 calories more. It’s unclear where that number comes from, or if they just made it up.
The other problem with this study is that participants didn’t take IgniteMaxx. They took one of the ingredients in IgniteMaxx. Capsimax is one of the last listed ingredients in the proprietary formula, which typically means it’s not found at a high dosage within the supplement. In any case, the manufacturer has refused to disclose the actual dosage of Capsimax, which makes it impossible to compare the results of that study to this supplement.
IgniteMaxx Ingredients
Here’s what the product packaging’s ingredients label looks like for IgniteMaxx:
That ingredients chart is also published online at the official IgniteMaxx website.
As you can see, the full ingredient information is not disclosed by the manufacturer: we just know that they crammed a bunch of different ingredients into a proprietary formula.
We do know that there’s 200mg of caffeine. That’s about the same dose of caffeine that’s in two and a half cups of coffee or two and a half Red Bulls. So when you take one tablet of IgniteMaxx, it’s like you’re slamming back all of that caffeine all at once.
IgniteMaxx Pricing
How much is IgniteMaxx? Here’s how the pricing breaks down for “preferred customers”:
— 1 Bottle (60 Capsules): $44.95
— 3 Bottles (180 Capsules): $119.95
You can also buy the supplements at a discount rate if you sign up for the company as a distributor. In that case, you can also make money by selling IgniteMaxx to your friends and family or by encouraging other people to sign up for the company (it’s a multilevel marketing company).
Who Makes IgniteMaxx?
IgniteMaxx is sold by a company named EPX Body. That company is a multilevel marketing company that sells a variety of nutritional supplements – including trendy diet pills.
The company’s lineup of supplements includes EPX Body Cardio, Daily, Detox, Nourish, and Immune.
You can earn money through the company by selling EPX Body supplements to customers yourself. In fact, EPX Body claims that if you don’t make at least $1000 per month, the company will refund your money.
The company, like many MLMs, is based in Utah. Its mailing address is listed as the following:
EPX Body1485 West Hillfield Road #202
Layton, Utah 84041
You can get in touch with EPX Body at [email protected] or by phone at 1-888-216-3575.
Should You Use IgniteMaxx to Lose Weight?
IgniteMaxx is a powerful thermogenic supplement that basically just contains a high dose (200mg) of caffeine along with a handful of other ingredients. The formula isn’t backed up by any real scientific evidence, although it does claim to contain some amount of capsaicin extract.
When you buy IgniteMaxx, you’re paying about $45 for a caffeine pill. If you’re a caffeine-sensitive individual, then you may find that the amount of caffeine in IgniteMaxx will leave you with unwanted side effects – like jitters or anxiety. It’s about the same amount of caffeine in two Red Bulls or two strong cups of coffee – so it’s a significant amount to take all at once even if you’re not caffeine-sensitive.
In any case, be careful when taking IgniteMaxx. Mixing exercise and caffeine pills can lead to serious health problems – not just fat burning.