Herculin Extreme – EBN Sports Nutrition Powerful Pre-Workout?


The modern supplement market is currently flooded with thousands of different preworkout solutions that all claim to be able to deliver the most powerful performance enhancement available. In reality, however, most of these solutions contain only generic blends of powdered caffeine, amino acids, and creatine.

Finding a pre workout supplement with a novel, unique approach to performance enhancement can be a difficult ask. Determining whether a supplement is actually able to deliver on the claims it makes is made more difficult by the fact that many manufacturers obfuscate the ingredients in their formulas with proprietary compounds that hide the dosage levels of key compounds, usually in an attempt to cut down on manufacturing expenses.

What this means for the consumer is that it’s becoming next to impossible to locate a pre workout solution that is able to enhance power, strength, and endurance without inducing anhydrous caffeine shakes or heart palpitations.

The supplement industry is in dire need of a new approach to pre workout supplementation that uses new, unique ingredients and nutrition technology.

Fortunately, a relatively new player in the supplement market is providing just that. EBN Sport Premium Supplements is a new performance supplement provider that focuses on delivering science-based solutions formulated by an expert team of pharmaceutical industry professionals.

All of the products in the EBN Sport Premium range are free from banned substances while still providing a dramatic competitive edge, making them ideal for both professional athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts.

The EBN Sports Herculin Extreme formula is their latest pre workout solution, and offers fitness enthusiasts a completely unique approach to training catalyzation that incorporates nutritional elements not found in any other supplement. Endorsed by Chargers Quarterback Philip Rivers, the Herculin Extreme formula offers some of the most potent ingredients on the market, and presents fitness enthusiasts with a complete breakdown of its active ingredients.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Herculin Extreme formula and find out what makes it so powerful to help you decide whether it’s the right tool to help you achieve your strength and fitness goals.

What Is Herculin Extreme?

Herculin Extreme is a preworkout supplement with a different. Most of the preworkout supplements available on the market today focus only on stimulating the central nervous system with basic compounds such as powdered caffeine, which doesn’t provide a significant competitive advantage.

The Herculin Extreme formula, however, offers three separate mechanisms of action that work together in a synergistic fashion to provide a total body performance enhancement. The first element of the Herculin Extreme formula uses a biological mechanism that is typically only found in weight management supplements, and aims to activate the thermogenic, or heat-generating function of the metabolism.

This thermogenic effect causes the body to rapidly convert stored fat energy into adenosine triphosphate, which both elevates free energy levels and melts away body fat percentage at the same time. Secondly, the Herculin Extreme formula focuses on enhancing anabolic activity with a potent blend of muscle boosting ingredients that speed up the rate at which the body is able to synthesize new muscle mass

Lastly, the Herculin Extreme formula enhances vasodilation, which relaxes the blood vessels, veins, and arteries of the body. This allows the heart to pump key nutrients and adenosine triphosphate to muscles faster and more efficiently, as well as multiplying total power output and endurance.

The Herculin Extreme Formula

The formula behind Herculin Extreme is so effective that EBN have protected it with two separate patents, ensuring that the benefits offered by the supplement can’t be found anywhere else. The first element of the formula, a H.E.A.T. Activator Matrix, combines taurine, N-Acetyl Tryosine, and Green Tea extract to induce a powerful thermogenic effect, significantly boosting energy levels.

The second element of the Herculin Extreme formula is an Anabolic Activator Matrix that combines powerful testosterone boosting ingredients like tri-creatine citrate and Carnosyn with branched chain amino acids such as L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine to speed up recovery and enhance lean muscle mass production

Lastly, the Herculin Extreme formula incorporates a Vascular Igniter Matrix that combines L-arginine, Citrulline Malate, L-arginine AKG, and magnesium phosphate. These ingredients are able to massively increase nitric oxide levels in the blood, resulting in extremely fast and powerful vasodilation.

Herculin Extreme Review Summary

Herculin Extreme offers a novel and innovative approach to preworkout catalyzation and is able to both build new lean muscle mass and burn away unwanted body fat at the same time. If you’re tired of ineffective, low-dosed products and want a powerful, scientifically proven preworkout supplement, Herculin Extreme is one of the most intelligently dosed solutions available today.

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