Pheromones Guide

Pheromones Guide

Pheromones Review

Pheromones are hormones that subconsciously activate emotional responses within the brain. Find out everything you need to know about using pheromones for attraction today in our guide!

What are Pheromones?

Pheromones are hormones that male and female brains subconsciously recognize by smell. They trigger an emotional response within our brains.

Every day, our noses are assaulted by countless smells we don’t recognize. Some of those “smells” are sex pheromones. These sex pheromones trigger attraction and other biological responses. We’ve only recently started to recognize how pheromone-based attraction works.

Our body naturally secretes pheromones every day. Pheromones are in our sweat, for example, and research has shown that females are naturally attracted to the scent of male sweat and body odor (as gross as that may sound).

Today, you can buy different pheromone formulas that promise to maximize your attraction. These products are typically targeted towards males picking up females. However, in recent years, there has been an expansion in other pheromone varieties, including pheromones targeted towards people who work in a competitive workplace, gay and lesbian individuals, or those who simply want to enjoy feelings of wellbeing and happiness.

Put simply, pheromones aren’t simply for picking up girls. However, that’s the most common use for modern pheromones and pheromone products.

What Do Pheromones Do?

Before you read any further in this guide, you should know some important things about pheromones.

Despite the massive promises made by pheromone manufacturers, pheromones will not:

— Change Who You Are
— Change The People Around You
— Take Away A Person’s Free Will (they’re not mind control substances)
— Boost Your Social Skills Or Make Attraction Effortless
— Fix Broken Relationships

Got it?


These aren’t magical substances that will make women swoon over you when you walk into a club. You’re still going to need to put a bit of work into your social skills.

Now that I’ve smashed your high expectations, let me prop them up again.

– Here’s what supporters of pheromones believe:

— Pheromones will make attraction and socialization easier

— Pheromones will help influence an individual’s thoughts, which can in turn influence that person’s behavior

— Pheromones can give you the confidence needed to enhance your social skills and naturally boost qualities that are already there

How Do Pheromones Work?

Pheromones work by subconsciously triggering an emotional response in someone’s brain. You apply the pheromones to yourself like you would apply a perfume or cologne.

Then, people smell these scents on your body (even if they don’t always realize it). Certain pheromones (like body sweat pheromones, as mentioned above), can trigger feelings of sexual arousal and attraction.

By combining multiple pheromones together, you can maximize your sexual attraction and facilitate social interaction – or at least that’s the idea.

Understanding Pheromone Hits

Pheromone supporters believe that pheromones lead to more reactions or “hits”. These “hits” occur when someone demonstrates attraction towards you. Typically, hits are classified into one of the following three categories:

Subtle Hits: People staring, doing double takes, standing close to you, making eye contact, smiling, or expressing more friendliness than normal

Moderate Hits: Flirtation with body language, increased conversation, increased approaches from people, people “peacocking” around you, and brush ups

Blatant Hits: Verbal flirtation, sexual innuendos, overt sexual interest, deliberate and constant touching, and aggressively sexual body language

You can find plenty of pheromone forums and discussion groups online. Pheromone forums are similar to pickup artist (PUA) forums, where the members all have their own unique terms and jargon.

What Do Pheromones Smell Like?

Pheromones are naturally secreted from various parts of our body. Certain body fluids all have odor in the form of pheromones, including urine, sweat, semen, vaginal fluid, and saliva.

Obviously, these fluids have an odor. However, that odor is easily masked. Most pheromones and pheromone formulas purchased retailers will have a pleasant aroma (or barely any aroma at all).

One of the interesting things about pheromones is that they’re kind of a hidden scent: many people aren’t aware of the unique scent of pheromones until you mention the scent – only then can they smell it.

You also have to remember that everyone perceives aromas differently: a scent that smells bad to someone (say, another male), may inspire attraction in a female.

Side Effects of Pheromones

Pheromones can come with certain side effects. Typically, these side effects are mild for the person wearing the pheromones, but they may not be so mild for the people around you.

Headaches are the most common effect for both the wearer and those exposed to the pheromones. Many people claim it feels similar to a caffeine headache. These types of headaches occur when your brain is in “rapid fire” mode, which can lead to heart palpitations and over-excitability.

Some people also experience rashes. They may be allergic to certain compounds within the pheromone product or formula.

Another common side effect is tiredness. Pheromones give you a bit of a “high” (although nowhere near what you would typically experience with a high). When you come down from this high, and the effects wear off, it can tire you out.

One final side effect you need to be aware of is anxiety: some people reportedly suffer anxiety when taking pheromones. It’s believed that this effect comes from certain aromas triggering a memory response in individuals, and this memory response leads to anxiety.

How Do You Apply Pheromones?

Applying pheromones is pretty straightforward: you apply it in basically the same way you apply perfume and cologne. Aim for your pulse points, like along your neck or wrists. That way, the heat of your blood flow will activate the aromas and help them spread around the room throughout the night.

Test different pulse points to see which ones work best for you. If you wear long shirts, for example, then your neck might be the best spot. If you prefer t-shirts or shorter shirts, then you might have more success with your elbows.

Of course, some people just do the “lazy” method and spray the pheromone across their entire body, holding their arm out and then spraying while waving their arm across their body.

Most pheromone products last 4 to 6 hours, so you should reapply just that frequently.

Some oil-based pheromones, however, can last up to 12 or 16 hours. These oil-based products diffuse more slowly because the oil sticks to your clothes and skin more.

Most Popular Types of Pheromones

Here are the most popular types of pheromones you can buy today:

— Alpha Adrostenol: This unisex pheromone purportedly creates a friendly, approachable impression and inspires feelings of comfort.

— Beta Androstenol: Another unisex pheromone, this pheromone creates a feeling of connection and closeness and builds more meaningful communication.

— Androstenone: Sometimes shortened to None or Enone, this pheromone is naturally predominant in males but is also produced in females in small amounts. It’s considered to be a sexual pheromone that gives off that “alpha male” scent. Some women even wear it on themselves to increase their own sexual arousal or to increase a partner’s aggressiveness.

— AdrosterRone: Often described as a “peaceful alpha male pheromone”, this pheromone gives off a stronger, silent alpha male vibe, giving the people around you feelings of protection, safety, and reliability.

— Androstadienone: This pheromone invokes sensations of intimacy, caring, and comfort in women exposed to it. Some women even claim it can reduce symptoms of PMS.

— Estratetraenol: This is the female version of Androstadienone. It also increases feelings of intimacy and caring and may also boost attentiveness.

— Copulins: Copulins are pheromones that come from the vaginal secretions of fertile females. They’re only produced by the female body. These pheromones are at their highest levels during times of ovulation, but they are also produced throughout the cycle. Men exposed to the scent have a strong urge to have sex. Out of all the pheromones on this list, copulins are the ones backed by the most science: they’re biologically triggers specifically used to reproduce.

Should You Use Pheromones?

Take all of the above information with a grain of salt. Pheromones have been sparsely studied over the years. Researchers know that pheromones play important biological roles – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they can help you pick up a girl at the club or perform better at the workplace.

Ultimately, pheromones can give you that psychological edge you need to enhance your social skills. And if pheromones give you the confidence you need to pick up someone – then who really cares if it’s backed by science or not?


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