As people get older they might retain all their wit but despite their effort, their body tends to lose some of its former vitality. Even if the body is well maintained through healthy diets and exercise, the body becomes more and more vulnerable the older a person gets. In order to remedy that or at least slow the process down, people used to take in many vitamin supplements that would help improve both the cognitive and physical aspects of an elderly person.
By providing their customers with nutritious supplements that target cell components in order to significantly enhance their efficiency, Golden Times Company created a range of products with the intent to replace the concentrated vitamins people commonly take. Body supplements provided by Golden Times such as Provito-Sea contain powerful and natural ingredients such as marine phytoplankton that will help people to remain healthy and active for longer.
Golden Times Provito with Liposome Technology
Golden Times’ motto is “Health First”. The company’s purpose is to support people as they age in order to help them to have not only wisdom and experience but also a strong, functioning and healthy body. The body supplement company’s goal is to enable elderly people to have the best of both worlds, both the knowledge that comes with age and a youthful body. Provito-Sea is one of Golden Times’ most popular products as it is an exceptionally nutritious supplement due to its main ingredient being marine phytoplankton.
The daily intake of Golden Times Provito Sea caplets have strong benefits for the body’s overall health due to the fact that it dramatically enhances the immune system’s capacity, making the body more resistant.
Amongst other beneficial properties of Provito-Sea, Golden Times’s supplement has clinically and scientifically proven anti-HIV and anti-cancer effects, as it increases the presence of endonuclease enzymes to repair DNA damage. Provito-Sea reduces nephrotoxicity and was approved by the Russian government to treat radiation sickness.
Provito-Sea’s main ingredient is marine phytoplankton which is the most nutritious supplement component found on the market as it contains everything a person needs for sustaining, producing and regenerating cells.
Phytoplankton is a microscopic, marine, self-feeding plant organism. Researchers have demonstrated that this plant organism, which can be found in all seas and oceans, is not only a great nutrient for humans but is also an important indicator for measuring the health of an ocean or sea. Phytoplankton plays an important role in measuring the purity and quality of water, as phytoplankton emits a specific wavelength of light.
The brighter the light emission of the phytoplankton, the healthier the marine ecology in the immediate region. Marine phytoplankton is a vital component because unlike most foods, it provides the body with the necessary raw materials to sustain and build new cells.
NASA has demonstrated that phytoplankton contains nine essential amino acids, vital fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, a variety of vitamins and major minerals. Due to their hard shell, some phytoplanktons are not usable to humans that can’t process all their nutrients. However, other phytoplankton have soft shells and are a source of rich nutrition. These soft-shelled phytoplanktons are called “open cell” and are the most powerful source of nutrition for mankind due to their potent content.
Amongst the nutritional properties of phytoplankton are the organism’s ability to stimulate the building of new muscles as well as detoxifying the liver due to its high level of arginine. Furthermore, as phytoplankton includes a lot of calcium which has beneficial effects on reducing cholesterol, calming nerves and strengthening bones. In addition, in agreement with the brand’s core philosophy, marine phytoplankton not only benefits the body’s health but also enhances the brain’s cognitive activities by sharpening the mind with substance P, as well as improving concentration, mental attitude and short-term memory.
What Makes Golden Times Provito Sea Special?
Provito-Sea is the first body supplement that uses marine phytoplankton and liposome technology. Liposomes are spherical vesicles commonly composed of phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine and can contain a wide range of lipids. In the body, liposomes bind together in order to transfer necessary nutrients into a cell. Liposome technology is used in pharmaceutical drugs and body supplements as a vehicle to efficiently transfer a product’s nutritious elements into the cells. Liposome technology insures Provito-Sea’s ultimate efficiency.
Golden Times Company Products Availability
Golden Times Company offers a wide range of body supplements such as Provito-Sea which help to maintain the body despite the damages caused by age. The products provided by the brand can be ordered on the website (as well as Golden Times Provito) and if you buy three or six bottles of any product, the shipping will be free.