The numerous “diets” and weight loss fads can be overwhelming and misleading, leaving people confused about where to start in their own journey to a happier, healthier body.
Get Lean Stay Lean Description
In this book, Dr. Joanna will guide you through six complete steps that will help you to develop what your body needs to burn more fat, control your appetite, control blood glucose and insulin, improve concentration, and create more energy.
This program includes a template for eating, so you can have the flexibility to create your own menu. With over 100 nutritionally balanced and delicious recipes, there’s something for everybody.
For easier development, there are nutritional breakdowns, notes and portion guidance, and a sample weekly meal planner, along with tips to reduce stress and sleep better at night.
About the Author
Dr. Joanna was born in Scotland where she lived and studied science, nutrition and dietetics before moving to Australia where she won a scholarship to complete her PhD at the University of Sydney where she studied different diets varying in GI and protein intake for body composition change, weight loss, and CVD risks.
Today, Dr. Joanna is the founder of Get Lean, an online lifestyle change program. She is a regular on Australian radio and television; as well as the author of several books.
About the Program
Fighting obesity, and weight loss in general has become a mutli million-dollar industry comprised of meal replacements, home meal delivery, supplements, diet clubs, exercise programs and so on.
The fixation on immediate results has lead people to spend money, and exert energy on quick fixes without long term maintenance. The purpose of this book is to afford the reader the inspiration and knowledge to help change their lifestyle, to achieve permanent results. By adopting certain dietary and lifestyle changes, you are changing the way your body works.
The six steps included in this program will include a holistic approach to health and well-being. These steps are food, drink, exercise, activity, stress and sleep, all of which are built on a foundation of joy.
Step 1 Food
You can, and should eat delicious foods that nourish your body in appropriate portions to either lose body fat or maintain a healthy body weight. Dr. Joanna’s plate will be your guide to creating healthy meals at home, or while ordering from a menu.
Step 2 Drink
Water should remain your first drink of choice, simply to stay hydrated. You can also continue to enjoy coffee and tea with milk, but without added sugar. Vegetable based smoothies are also a welcome choice on this program. Soft drinks and juice should be eliminated, and the occasional alcoholic beverage is okay, but should be limited.
Step 3 Exercise
This step is important and non-negotiable when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. It changes the way your body works, allowing you to burn fat even at rest. Aim for a minimum of a 30-minute walk daily, with 2-3 more formal types of exercise or fitness classes a week.
Step 4 Activity
Taking into account the formal exercise you’ve included in your life, daily activity also plays a significant role in your health. Take things into account like how many hours you sit at a desk, you’d be surprised when you add up a week, how much time is being spent being sedentary.
Set goals such as giving yourself a break for a short walk or a stretch after a certain amount of time sitting. Walk on escalators, stand while on the bus, take the stairs, these are all examples of how you can increase your daily activity.
Step 5 Stress
Stress is a sure way to sabotage your journey to healthy living. It causes sleeplessness, poor eating, poor concentration and a decrease in motivation.
The hormones released when feeling stressed can also lead to excess belly fat, further discouraging you on your journey. Learning to manage stress can make a difference in your health and your progress. Take action to manage your stress, or even seek help if necessary.
Step 6 Sleep
Being tired directly affects your mood, appetite, food choices, and your ability to manage stress. Aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep a night will greatly improve your performance, energy levels, and mood. If you struggle with night time routines, or sleeplessness, this book offers suggestions to help alleviate these problems.
Things as simple as reducing caffeine throughout the day, going to bed and waking up at the same time daily, avoiding alcohol, and turning social media off long before bed are all ways to help you get a better night’s sleep.
Get Lean Stay Lean Summary
The foundation of all of this is joy. Once healthy habits are established, you’ll be feeling better and making joy in the simple things a priority.