Gatorade Endurance – Hydrating Athlete Electrolytes Formula?


Gatorade is a sports drink designed to help keep you hydrated and loaded with the electrolytes you need to sustain energy during endurance activities. Read this review to find out about Gatorade Endurance today.

What Is Gatorade Endurance?

This is product line, created by the popular energy drink manufacturer to help keep you hydrated during long distance, endurance events. Gatorade is one of the most popular sports drinks and has been around as a worldwide name for decades.

This specific product line is directed towards endurance athletes. People who compete in Iron Man competitions will greatly appreciate Gatorade Endurance. It’s known as one of the best beverages for quenching thirst, helping sustain energy and giving your body what it needs during intense activities.

How Does Gatorade Endurance Work?

Gatorade is composed primarily of water, electrolytes and carbohydrates. It’s easily one of the best drinks on the plane for keeping you going when the going gets tough. Through the use of Gatorade Endurance, you’ll be able to replace lost fluids, stay hydrated and refuel your body so you can push on.

What Are the Ingredients in Gatorade Endurance?

Gatorade is made up of water, carbs and electrolytes. The endurance brand of Gatorade has three times the potassium of Gatorade and twice the sodium. They claim it will help you achieve higher levels of energy for longer periods of time. Gatorade Endurance is designed for long term, intense, physical activities.

It comes in liquid form for immediate absorption. There is also a powder you can use that has the same properties as the liquid. You mix the powder with water to create a beverage you can drink anywhere at any time.

The powder comes in a tub or comes in a powder stick for one-time usage. Another version of the endurance version of Gatorade is Gatorlytes. Gatorlytes is a small packet you can blend with any beverage or take straight.

Each of the different versions of Gatorade Endurance are designed to help you with energy levels and long, intense, physical activity. Your muscles need to be continually fed while exercising to stay at a peak level of performance. This is especially true during long distance runs and other marathon type events. You’ll need continual energy to last for longer than an hour at a time.

Along with the drinks, Gatorade Endurance also makes Carbohydrate Energy Chews. They are easy to eat, take with you and give you immediate energy through their bioavailability. They come in chew firm, like gummies. And you can also get Carb Energy Drink in a gel like substance. It’s almost like runner’s goo. It’s designed to give you immediate energy.

How Much Does Gatorade Endurance Cost?

Gatorade comes in many different types. Below are the prices for different products on the website.

Gatorade Endurance Thirst Quencher is $23.88 for a 12 pack of bottle. And the product is designed to help you replenish liquids after excessive sweating.

The powder version in a canister is $28.99 for 300 mg. And it has the same properties as the actual liquid beverage.

The individual serving, powder packs are $19.99 for a 12 pack of them and they act the same as the powder in the canister.

Gatorlytes are $14.99 for a 20 pack of the one-time use packets. They are supposed to be added to a 20 Oz bottle of regular Gatorade for an added kick of energy.

Carb energy chews are $34.99 for a 21 pack of the specialty, energy chews. You eat them like you would any other gummy for an added boost of energy.

The energy gel single servings are $19.99 for a 10 pack. They also give you instant energy and are supposed to be used just before starting your race or while in it.

Each of the product prices listed about are reduced if you purchase a monthly subscription of the products. They are all rated high when compared to other endurance, energy supplements.

What Are Customers Saying About Gatorade Endurance?

Gatorade is one of the most trusted names in sports. And because of their long term popularity, you can count on all good reviews. Every product listed on this review sheet has a minimum 4 out 5 star rating and most have 5 out 5 star ratings. The ratings are based on hundreds or thousands of customers.

Gatorade is a safe name in the industry, some people will argue that it is not healthy because it is high in sugar. But it is high in sugar for the purpose it serves. Gatorade Endurance is not supposed to be drank anytime. It has a specific purpose that it has been designed for.


  • Trusted name in the sports industry
  • Great for long distance athletes and endurance runners
  • Taste great and provides you with energy
  • Can be ordered one time or through subscription online


  • People argue it is high in sugar
  • Is a staple name so people like it regardless of how good it is

Gatorade Endurance Review Summary

Yes, if you are an endurance athlete then it is a good product to use for you. If you compete in long distance events like iron man competitions or marathons, this is a great product you can use. If you are just looking for a good drink, use sparingly as it is high in sugars so could lead to weight gain.

All in all, Gatorade is a high-quality drink to use for sustained energy and hydration.

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