Fiber One – Healthy Fiber Rich Snacks To Satisfy Hunger?


Are you having a sugar craving? Are you eyeballing that brownie on the table? Before you devour that brownie, ask yourself these 3 questions: Is that brownie healthy? Does it contain way too much sugar? Will that brownie help with my bowel movements? Now that you know the answers to those questions, what will you be doing?

Many desserts today comfort our taste buds but rather fail when it comes to our health. According to Statistics Canada, 1 in every 5 calorie consists of sugar that is either in its natural form (i.e. milk or fruits) or added sugars found in beverages and desserts. Regardless of whether it is added or natural, the body treats them both in the same way; however, added sugar consists of fewer nutrients (

Consuming excess added sugar could cause many health conditions such as: diabetes, digestive problems, heart conditions, overweight, etc. How can we enjoy a brownie while it is still considered healthy? Fiber One created brownies that will satisfy your taste buds without putting your health on the line.

Fiber One: Who Are They And What Have They Done To Our Desserts?

Fiber One was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1985. Their main goal is to provide consumers with tasty treats that do not affect one’s health. They emphasize prominently on fibers, as it is beneficial to include in your daily diets. For instance, their 90 calories chocolate fudge brownie contains 5 grams of fiber per serving, which totals to 20% of your daily value.

If you are craving a more healthier alternative compared to sugar packed traditional sweets, some of their products you can look into consist of: chewy bars, cookies, brownies, cereals and many other tasty treats.

For more information on what each product line is made up of, visit:

The Cost Of Fiber One Fudges

Many online, local groceries, online retailers and superstores sell Fiber One products. Fiber One products are most definitely inexpensive. For instance, you can purchase a box of 6 chocolate fudge brownies for as low as $4 (almost close to $0.67 per brownie). If their treats arouse you, it is recommended to purchase in bigger volumes, as you can save a couple of cents per serving. The price is definitely worthwhile as it ensures that each bite you take helps your body. For those of you who work out and maintain strict diets, this tasty treat should be a staple in your cheat meal.

What Does Fiber Mean To You And Your Body?

It is important to understand fibers’ role in the way your body performs. Let’s take a look at what fiber means, the two types of fibers, and what happens to your body due to the lack of fiber respectively.

What Is Fiber?

Fiber is a type of plant-based carbohydrate that works to help control ones’ weight, makes one feel much fuller, and aids in constipation ( Unlike, protein, fats and carbohydrates, fiber is not broken by the body but rather travels as a whole through the stomach, small intestines and colon and right out of the body ( Some natural sources of fiber you can find in your pantry and fridge are fruits and vegetables, and grains.

Soluble Fiber VS. Insoluable Fiber

Found in some vegetables and fruits, soluble fibers are those that become a gel like substance when soaked in water. This is the type of fiber that makes it harder to digest food. Even though this type slows digestion, it is full of nutrients and according to the Dietitians of Canada; there are many benefits such as:

  1. Healthier colon
  2. Helps with loose bowel movements
  3. Controls sugar levels
  4. Lowers cholesterol levels

As the name says it all, insoluble fiber is a substance that sinks to the bottom when place in a pot of hot water. Insoluble fiber helps to speed up travel time through the stomach and intestines compared to soluble fiber. It also aids in more smoother and soft bowels compared to soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps better one’s:

  1. Constipation problems
  2. Weight management problems

What Happens To Your Body When There Is Lack Of Fiber?

After taking a look at both soluble and insoluble fiber, it is evident that our body will undoubtedly suffer. The lack of fiber does not only result in physical damages but also increases mental stress. How? Well let’s a look at some scenerios.

  1. Constipation: Not only does it affect you physically, it also hits you mentally. When our bowel movements are not consistent, we feel bloated, more tiredness, agitation and have many headaches, resulting in a negative mental health.
  2. Weight gain: As mentioned earlier, one of fibers’ roles is to make us feel much fuller. When we don’t consume foods with low fibers, we will tend to consume more than we should be on a daily basis. Once you start gaining more weight, people tend to tell themselves “It’s too late to lose the weight now”. Bring your confidence level down and at some point telling yourself that you are not capable of achieving much.
  3. Over the top sugar consumption: fiber works to reduce sugar levels, without fiber, you will be at risk of getting multiple health related problems. With the many possible health risks associated with sugar, we will start to worry about the future, how to maintain help and stress just adds on.

With the many fast food chains, sugary snacks, and more people just buying food rather than making them at home, a lot of people lack the necessary daily intakes. That’s what makes Fiber One products, a great investment as their snacks contain up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, ensuring that our overall health goals are met.

For a considerably affordable price, you get a tasty treat that is less than 100 calories, contains up to 8 grams of sugar per serving and contains a fair amount of fiber. Fiber One, adequate fiber in every chocolate fudge brownie that is sure to melt on your tongue.

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