Champion Performance – Workout Proteins & Meal Replacements?


The Champion team includes specialists with science and medical backgrounds in addition to individuals who are enthusiastic about nutrition and physical fitness. Together, they strive to create effective and healthful products using the most up to date scientific advancements. They have an extensive collection of knowledge about the industry, which they both gain and utilize with Natures Products Incorporated (NPI), their parent company. NPIs manufacturing abilities and robust infrastructure complement their expertise in order to provide athletes and other individuals with products that focus on results and leverage their hard work. They’re profoundly dedicated to providing quality, which can be demonstrated by their company’s history of over 30 years producing and providing safe, quality health products. They have their own GMP-certified manufacturing center, located in Sunrise, FL, which permits them to guarantee the maximum level of quality. They’re also committed to ensuring outside resources exceed or meet their high standards.

The Champion Performance strategy for sports nutrition uses a solid philosophy built by their team of health, science, fitness, and nutrition specialists who understand and share their enthusiasm for fitness and healthy choices for wellness. With almost 30 years of industry knowledge and experience, this philosophy gives them a good foundation to create innovative products that help your body to work for you to fulfill your mind's ambition.

It's about having a balanced perspective to create absolutely terrific tasting and effective products that power and build up your body so you can get fit, get stronger, go further, and perform at your hardest. It’s about providing the ideal mix of healthy and clinically endorsed ingredients with a solid nutritional supplement, which supports your overall well-being. They have a nearly 30 year history of producing and distributing products that are safe and they know that reaching your athletic ambition goes beyond the body. To #riseabove (as their motto goes), you must align both your mind and body. You have to have the ability to envision your target in your mind, and then generate the attention, motivation, and enthusiasm to see it through.

Champion Performance Products

Pure Whey Plus

Perhaps their most popular solution, Pure Whey Plus let’s you enjoy the nutritional advantages of three varieties of whey protein encompassed by flavors that will have you coming back for one more scoop. Pure Whey Plus is comprised of a fast-acting blend of whey protein concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate, and is designed to feed hungry or tired muscles fast. That makes it perfect for use before and after workouts and in between your daily meals when you want a fast injection of protein. This product is created in Champion’s private GMP-certified manufacturing center in the United States of American.

SYN Matric 6:5

Concerning muscle strength, this product is a juggernaut! The SYN Matrix 6:5 is comprised of only 25 calories per serving, equal to less than 2 ounces of orange juice (minus the sugar). It is going to barely scratch the surface of your daily allotment of calories, and it will leave you too full to even want to eat a normal meal afterwards. What makes it so powerful? In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this nutrient combo stimulated muscle protein synthesis as efficiently as 25 grams of WPI. Muscle protein synthesis must build (and keep) larger, stronger muscles. So as to recuperate completely and make your muscles bigger and more powerful, muscle protein synthesis must always outpace muscle protein breakdown.

To protect your muscles from a lot of the latter, SYN Matrix 6:5 contains the clinically researched nutraceuticals HICA and carnitine tartrate. You may save 475 calories, equal to approximately 40 minutes of climbing stairs, by drinking 1 serving of SYN Matrix 6:5 post-workout rather than a whey protein powder, 5 times per week. Of course, this illustration is based on a normal whey protein supplying 120 calories per serving. To create a SYN Matrix 6:5 mix that is even more creamy and flavorful, add 2-3 ice cubes into your blender prior to mixing.

Amino Shooter Edge

Compare the nutritional facts of Amino Shooter Edge side-by-side with the top amino energy formulation, and you'll see why they say it's the advantage. It provides you with twice the amount of amino acids per serving, such as 3.5 gram of leucine, the most anabolic amino of all of them. In actuality, the story gets even better than that. Amino Shooter Edge provides you 10 grams of aminos per serving (10.112 grams, to be exact) where 1 serving is equal to 1 spoonful. By comparison, the top amino energy powder has 5 grams of aminos per serving, in which 1 serving is equal to 2 scoops. This means you're really getting 2.5 grams of aminos per spoonful, making Amino Shooter Edge 4x as powerful on a per-scoop foundation (and therefore making it a much greater value). Amino Shooter Edge is comprised of 102 milligrams of caffeine in each serving, which is roughly the same as you would find in 1 cup of premium brewed coffee. If you like to have a more powerful energy increase before your workout, take 2 servings. This works especially well for workouts that last longer than 90 minutes.


When you purchase glutamine, you need it to contain glutamine and nothing else. This product contains 100 percent HPLC-tested L-glutamine powder, with no additives of any kind. Additionally, it includes no animal products. To help reduce or prevent normal exercise-induced muscle soreness, take 1-2 servings of Power Glutamine with 4-6 portions of Performance BCAAs. When combined, they give you much greater performance overall.

Champion Performance Benefits

  • Champion offers high-quality products that you can trust.
  • The brand is known all over the world, so you should be able to find their products anywhere you need them.
  • Champion offers great customer service, so you know you’re in good hands if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Champion makes the sourcing of good, quality ingredients a priority.

Champion Performance Negatives

  • The selection of products is smaller when compared to other companies.
  • Their products are often higher priced due to their higher quality.

Champion Performance Summary

Champion products are recognized all around the world for their high-quality and excellent results. Whether you’re looking to power up before a workout or fuel yourself after a long session, Champion is the go-to for many customers. While they are on the higher end price wise, they are also on the higher end with ingredients and quality. You’re paying for quality ingredients, proven formulas, and of course, excellent customer service. If you’re willing to pay a bit extra to get the Champion name and experience, you will notice a difference. Just compare any label with a Champion product, and you’ll see a difference between the ingredients, sources, and overall nutritional value.

Champion’s formulas are proven to be effective and efficient. They don’t stuff their products with useless ingredients or unnecessary carbs, calories, or sugars. Their flagship product, Whey Protein, is one of the best-selling supplements in the country thanks to its good dose of protein, great taste, and easy mixing capability. Just like all Champion products, their Whey formula is representative of a well thought out and backed up formula. With the right amount of calories, sugars, carbs, and protein, it’s the perfect balance that you can find in all of their top-selling products.

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