Cellulift – Legit Anti-Wrinkle Super C Serum For Cellulite?


The Cellulift Super C Serum is an anti-aging product that helps you to revive the lost hydration in your skin. You can engage in a trial offer, if you are unsure about using this product on a regular basis.

What is the Cellulift Super C Serum?

Aging is a natural part of life, and it comes with a lot of changes to your body. However, the most obvious sign that you’re getting older is usually that first set of wrinkles. Your body is not able to hold onto hydration the same way as it used to, and it stops producing the chemicals that previous kept your skin perfectly smooth. Rather than just accepting that your body is changing, you can order your own shipment of Cellulift Super C Serum.

The serum has been formulated with the ability to help minimize the effects that aging has on your skin. With regular use of this formula, you can expect:

There are many different options for consumers that want a younger look, but some individuals go to the extreme with surgery or injections. Both of these options are often very costly, requiring repeated treatments to maintain the same illusion of youth. Unfortunately, neither of them nourish your skin the way that a topical treatment can. Read on below to find out what makes this product effective.

How Does the Cellulift Super C Serum Work?

The whole point of the Cellulift formula is to help target the root cause of appearing aged at a young age, which can be traced back to a lack of sufficient hydration, collage, and elastin. This serum helps to provide your skin with the ability to heal itself, with the use of a few important ingredients. Those ingredients include:

  • Ceramide 1, 3 & 6-II
  • Phytosphingosine
  • Retinol Palmitate
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Palmitoyl oligopeptide
  • Balm Mint Extract

Each ingredient plays a significant role in making you appear years younger than you currently do. Read on to find out a little more about the substances that contribute to the efficacy of this product.

Ceramide 1, 3 & 6-II

This complex of ceramides helps to repair the outermost layer of your skin, which helps you to prevent additional dehydration, while keeping your skin supple.


This ingredient is a lipid that protects your skin against bacterial. It helps to support healthy complexions, while regulating the production of other lipids that can keep the skin hydrated.

Retinol Palmitate

This part of the formula helps to exfoliate your skin, but in a much gentler way than what you would get with pure retinol. Retinol palmitate helps to give the top layer of your skin a smoother and more rejuvenated appearance.

Rosemary Extract

Rosemary oil acts as an astringent, which means that it eliminates the excess oil and dirt on your face. It offers many different vitamins, like iron and calcium.

Palmitoyl Oligopeptide

This ingredient plays an irreplaceable role, helping to repair the structure of your skin tissues. It also helps to naturally increase your body’s ability to produce collagen, hyaluronic acid, and other important chemicals to help you look younger.

Balm Mint Extract

If you have sensitive skin, this ingredient makes it possible to reap the benefits of Cellulift, but without breaking out in the way you would with other products. The inclusion of balm mint extract also helps you improve the texture and hydration levels of your skin.

Using the Cellulift Super C Serum

Incorporating the Cellulift serum into your daily skincare routine is incredibly easy, since it only adds one more step. You are supposed to wash your face with your regular cleanser first, eliminating any oils or makeup in your pores for improved absorbency. Once you’ve patted your face dry, you only need a pea-sized amount of the serum to smooth over your entire face and neck.

To penetrate the surface of the skin correctly, you need to give the formula about 15 to 30 minutes before you apply any other products to your skin.

Pricing for the Cellulift Super C Serum

Even though this product makes plenty of claims about its performance, you don’t have to make any investment at first. Instead, you get the opportunity to engage in a trial offer, which provides you with a full-size bottle of the Cellulift Super C Serum. Your trial lasts for 14 days, during which time you only are responsible for covering the shipping fee of $5.99.

If you like the results of the product, you don’t have to do anything. On the last day of the trial, your account is converted into a subscription. You will be billed for the product you’ve already received, which costs $89.95. However, this charge will show up again on your statement on the 30th day since you initiated the trial, and will be accompanied by a new shipment for the month. This program will continue to bill you and ship new products to you each month until you end up cancelling.

To cancel the program, you will need to contact customer service.

Contacting the Creators of the Cellulift Super C Serum

Since the Cellulift Super C Serum looks so similar to other options that are available in the industry, you may have some questions for the creators of this product. Luckily, they have a friendly customer service team, which is reachable via phone or email.

To reach the phone-based customer service team, you can call 1-844-307-1730. This department is available on weekdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm PST. If you are unable to call during these hours, you can email the company as well at [email protected].

Cellulift Super C Cream Conclusion

The Cellulift Super C Cream is all about giving your skin the nutrients it needs to look years younger. This formula is especially helpful for consumers that are aging prematurely, since they still are capable of producing the chemicals that make you look younger. If you unsure about this product, speak with the customer service team or a licensed medical professional.

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  1. I need someone to email me and tell me why I was charged $25:00! I have never orederd this product. I am upset so get back quickly. If I don’t hear from someone now I will take a different route.

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