Cellucor COR-Performance Whey Protein – Fast Digesting Benefits?


Looking for a new whey protein? Cellucor’s whey protein is a particular popular option. Find out how it stacks up against its competition today in our review.

What is Cellucor Whey Protein?

Cellucor Whey Protein is a whey protein product available online through Cellucor.com and online retailers like Amazon or Bodybuilding.com.

The popular protein powder is priced at $29.99 for a container with 26 servings, which makes it slightly cheaper than some of the leading proteins on the market today.

Cellucor is known for making creative flavors with its whey protein. Some of the most popular flavors include Molten Chocolate, Peanut Butter Marshmallow, Cinnamon Swirl, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

Cellucor calls its whey “COR-Performance Whey”. The company recently dropped prices online, offering an “overstock” deal where you could buy one 26 serving container of protein powder, then get another container 50% off.

The whey protein lineup was first launched in 2013. Cellucor is best-known for its C4 family of preworkout supplements.

Cellucor Whey Protein Features

What makes Cellucor’s whey protein different from the billions of other protein powders on the market? Let’s take a look at some of its core features:

  • 25g of fast-acting whey protein
  • Dessert inspired flavors
  • Low carbs and low fat (4g of carbs, 1.5g of fat per serving)
  • Added digestive enzymes
  • 120 calories per serving
  • Approximately 5.5g of naturally-occurring BCAAs in each serving

The whey used in Cellucor’s COR-Performance Whey, like other whey proteins, comes from dairy sources.

Cellucor doesn’t make any claims that it comes from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows who only ate organic grass for their entire lives, or anything like that.

Cellucor Whey Protein Ingredients

The full ingredients list for Cellucor’s whey protein powder varies slightly between blends. However, here’s what the full list of ingredients looks like for the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough blend:

COR-Performance Whey Protein Matrix (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate), Cocoa Powder (Processed With Alkali), Natural & Artificial Flavors, Cellulose Gum, Xanthan Gum, Salt, Protease, Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K), Sucralose, Protease A-S, Lactase

Cellucor Whey Protein Flavors

As mentioned above, the Cellucor Whey Protein lineup is well-known for its tasty flavors. The company has branched beyond the “vanilla” and “chocolate” varieties of protein to offer an extensive range of options. Here are all of the flavors currently available:

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  • Molten Chocolate
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • Strawberry Milkshake
  • Cookies ‘N Cream
  • Peanut Butter Marshmallow
  • Cinnamon Swirl
  • Whipped Vanilla

Cellucor Whey Protein Reviews: What Do Customers Have to Say About It?

Every protein manufacturer makes big promises online. They all claim to have the best whey sources, the fewest additives, and the best macros.

Let’s take a closer look at what customers really have to say about Cellucor’s whey protein.

Overall, the protein has an average rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 on Amazon. On Bodybuilding.com, it has an average rating of 9.0 out of 10.

The Bodybuilding page has over 2,100 reviews, making it one of the most popular proteins on the site.

Here are some of the pros and cons we discovered after reading through those reviews:


  • Some of the best-tasting protein you’ll ever eat
  • Mixes great whether you’re using milk or water
  • Doesn’t give you gas or bloating
  • Good macros
  • Competitive price
  • Available in 1, 2, or 5 pound tubs


  • Some customers report mild clumping problems
  • Some flavors aren’t as popular as others

Overall, Cellucor’s whey protein is known for being a fair-priced, tasty source of protein. The creative flavors are popular among all types of bodybuilders and athletes – including those trying to lose weight, replace meals, or bulk up.

Cellucor Whey Protein Pricing

Cellucor Whey Protein is priced at the following rates:

  • 1lb Tub (14 Servings): $17.99 USD
  • 2lb Tub (28 Servings): $29.99
  • 5lb Tub (70 Servings): $59.99

These are the prices on Bodybuilding.com, although they’re pretty much identical across the internet.

GNC has the exact same prices, for example, and so does the official Cellucor website. Pick the website that has your favorite rewards program or free shipping offer.

Cellucor Whey Protein Review Summary

Cellucor Whey Protein is one of the most popular protein powders on the market for a reason: it’s a straightforward whey protein powder that comes with BCAAs and digestive enzymes.

Priced at around $1 per serving, each scoop provides 25g of protein with minimal carbs and fat.

If you’re looking for an easy way to add protein to your diet, and you’re looking for great-tasting protein varieties, then Cellucor Whey Protein may be the right option for you.

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