Cargo – In-Car Rideshare Driver Premium Product Experience?


Ridesharing has become one of the most cost efficient means of transportation of today’s generation. It is a type of car service, which allows consumers to coordinate a ride with a privately owned vehicle. What differs it from cabbing to places is its fixed price. Cargo may create a win-win situation for both the driver and the passenger.

By signing up with Cargo, rideshare drivers may have the ability to earn some extra cash, while passengers can enjoy a relaxing and comforting ride to and from their destinations.

To better understand Cargo’s goals, the following review will allow consumers to have a better insight in terms of its purpose, how it works, and how to get started.

Purpose of Cargo

Cargo is a type of service that is free of charge to rideshare drivers. They provide Rideshare Drivers with daily and premium essentials such as snacks, phone chargers, Advil, energy bars and beauty products that may enhance a passenger’s comfort levels throughout the ride.

This system is beneficial to rideshare drivers because it allows them to potentially earn anywhere between $100 and $300 per month. This additional income depends on the drivers’ availability, the number of rides offered and most importantly the sales.

How Does Cargo Work?

After having signed up to get started, the drivers will receive Cargo packages containing a wide range of supplies. Drivers simply need to carry the supply in their car and offer it to passenger in times of need. Whenever passengers need a specific product, they will order and check out on the Cargo’s mobile app.

Once the order is processed, the designated rideshare driver will receive a text indicating what to provide them with. Therefore, rideshare drivers do not need to worry over not receiving payments for the products, as passengers will have already paid for them.

What Steps Need to be Complete in Order to Get Started?

To get started, drivers need to create an account with Cargo, providing them with an e-mail address, first and last name. After receiving the Cargo setup, drivers must log into their account and link their back accounts because Cargo will pay via direct deposit on a bi-weekly basis.

If for whatever reason payments have not been paid out yet or were inaccurate, Cargo’s support team will correct the errors after having checked the driver’s sales.

Cargo Final Verdict

Overall, rideshare drivers can finally earn extra money on the side. All one needs to do is keep their respective Cargo setups tidy and arranged and simply drive.

Cargo is designed to eliminate stress, as it takes of care of the transactions with passengers, and keeps track of the drivers’ supplies and assesses when a new Cargo box set should be delivered. For the passenger, it is far more convenient, as they do not need to take extra stops while reaching their given destination.

For more information on how to take part in the on-the-go Cargo experience, go to:

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