Boli Slim Shake – Natural Low Calorie High Protein Diet Drink Mix?


The Slim Shakes by Boli Naturals claims to be the industry's best-tasting, low calorie, and high protein diet shake. The Slim Shake is complete with an essential spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and is apparently the ideal supplement for a low calorie diet.

They come in 3 great flavors – Chocolate, Vanilla, and Berries & Cream. These shakes are sweetened with Stevia, a natural and calorie-free sweetener which gives them a distinct flavor. With only 55 calories a serving and 8 g of protein, you can use this shake for a bite, or pre/post workout supplement.

Benefits Of Slim Shake by Boli Naturals

One major health benefits of meal replacement shakes is that they're fortified with a vast array of minerals and vitamins, so that they could successfully stand in for a meal while still fulfilling your daily necessities.

Another advantage is that shakes often have fewer calories compared to complete meals, so if your aim is to lose weight, using a shake replace 1 meal every day can help you reduce your daily calorie count and accumulate a calorie deficit big enough to produce gradual, consistent weight loss.

In a 40-week trial that happened in 2003, Dr. Steven Heymsfield and colleagues discovered that overweight and obese subjects who consumed daily meal replacements lost more fat than those who simply followed a low-calorie diet.


in addition, there are some potential risks to using meal replacement shakes. In a post for the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. Monica Zangwill points out that supplements aren't subject to the very same regulations as other foods. Therefore, the advertisements and advertising claims they use don't have to be backed up by scientific research, and it can be difficult to get accurate information about them.

While some do have real nutritional benefits, others contain so much sugar or fat they're no better than complete meals and might even negatively affect your health.

Nutrition Facts

A healthy meal replacement shake needs to maintain added fat and sugar to a minimum but include enough calories to keep you full for many hours. The healthiest shakes will also be high in fiber and protein. A favorite meal-replacement shake supplies 20 percent of daily fiber and protein requirements with 5 grams and 10 grams, respectively, but it's only 190 calories.

A well-known nutritional shake supplies about 250 calories however only 1 g of fiber and 9 g of protein; it also packs 18 g of sugar to each jar.

The bottom line

prior to using meal replacements shakes as a weight loss plan or embrace any new diet plan, talk with your physician or a registered dietitian and seek personalized health advice. Check the nutrition label for pollutants, like gluten, or milk, even if you are lactose intolerant.

Slim Shake Review Summary

Although the Slim Shake might not be a magic cure that is guaranteed to work for each and every person who consumes them on a regular basis, there is a growing body of evidence that points to their efficacy if they are used as intended.

Meal replacement shakes work best when they are used in conjunction, as opposed to as a replacement, for nutritious, low-carb meals. The temptation is always there to cut corners, but people put their long-term health at risk when they seek the easy solutions that might not always work out.

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